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Since he got there, Harley had been bullying Peter. Comments like "you're disgusting" or "you're fat" and things dropped out of his mouth repeatedly.

And Peter felt horrible. He really began to look at himself in a different light, he began to hate himself. Everything about himself was picked out by Harley and pondered for hours on by Peter.

Two weeks after Harley had come to the tower Peter was sat on the couch in some pyjamas Tony had bought him as a joke. They were Spider-Man pyjamas with shorts instead of pants. Harley came into the lounge to see Peter sat with a blanket on his lap on his StarkPad and smirked. "You look like a baby. I mean only babies wear pyjamas of Spider-Man. You're just a baby aren't you?" Harley spoke causing Peter to frown. He didn't reply and that caused Peter to get slapped by Harley just as Steve and Bucky walked into the room.

"Did you just hit him?" Bucky asked as Steve assembled the avengers.

Peter just stood and looked at everyone. "It's fine, leave it," he spoke before leaving to his room. He locked the door and began to rip the posters off the wall and began getting rid of anything remotely babyish, including his clothes. The avengers listened to Peter and ignored Harley hitting him. Tony hadn't even come out of the lab. He didn't care to leave his work.

"Hey dad," Harley spoke as he walked into the lab.

"Hey kiddo," Tony replied and they worked together until dinner time.

Peter sat at the table and grabbed only the smallest amount of food. He had less than a toddler would have and only ate three bites of it before he felt sick. No one noticed. Not until Tony walked in with Harley. Tony sat next to Peter, kissing the kid on the top of his head as he did so.

"Hey Pete," Tony spoke causing everyone to look at them. "We aren't you eating?" He added drawing their attention to the food on his plate.

"Oh I've eaten too much. I feel sick," Peter spoke softly as he blinked back tears.

"Baby girl how much has he eaten?" Tony asked his AI sensing the lie from his favourite son.

"Three spoonfuls of his dinner. That's the first and only thing he's eaten in four days after being told by Mr. Keener that he's fat," FRIDAY spoke up causing Tony to narrow his eyes at Harley.

"Mr. Stark, just leave it. As I told the others earlier it doesn't matter. I'm going out," Peter spoke before leaving the room. Tony grabbed a slice of the heated bread before following his baby.

He followed Peter to the park where he sat next to the kid on the field. Peter laid with his head on Tony's lap as the man ran his fingers through the kids hair. "Hey baby," Tony spoke softly.

"Hi," Peter spoke softly. He appreciated the fact the man followed him. It made him feel loved.

"I'm sorry about Harley. If I'd have known he was bullying you I'd have stopped him instantly. You know I love you, right?" Tony spoke gently.

"I know, I just didn't want you to get rid of him, I know you have history with him. I love you too," Peter spoke softly.

"Kid, that doesn't matter, it doesn't change the fact that you're my adopted son. He's just an intern, you mean more to me than anyone else does, I need you safe. You're not fat, okay, you've always been underweight. Don't listen to him, I adore you, and so do the avengers. I'm right here, whatever you need, Pete," Tony spoke softly. Peter was his baby, he'd do anything for him even if it meant kicking Harley to the streets. Peter had no idea how much he meant to Tony, nor to the others. He isn't know how loved he truly was.

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