Rhodey and Tony

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"I think hanging out with you is bad for our friendship," Rhodey said. Tony felt his heart ache at those words. Rhodey had been his one constant since he was fourteen.

They'd met when they joined MIT when Tony was fourteen and Rhodey was nineteen. They'd been roommates and became pretty fast friends. Rhodey had been through hell and back with him, so to hear those words, really hurt him. But being Tony, he joked about it and didn't let his hurt show.

But now, now Tony was in his laboratory, replaying the words over and over in his head. Maybe he should stop trying to see his once closest and best friend, because obviously Rhodey didn't want to hang around him. Maybe he'd destroyed the only reliable relationship he'd ever had. He didn't deserve to be around people, that much was clear.

So, the next day he decided to change himself. He stopped with the stupid nicknames for everyone, he stopped arguing with others, he changed his entire personality. On the next mission, he listened and followed direct orders from Steve, and not Jarvis. He didn't disagree with anything, not anymore. After the mission he instantly told Jarvis to print off notes of the entire mission before handing them to Steve and taking the shield back to fix it.

During the mission, he'd noticed Clint needed more arrows and new arrow heads, so he worked on that. He spent the entire night and next day working on new materials for each of the avengers before going into his lounge, seeing everyone all talking and laughing. He knocked on the door, stopping all conversations as the others looked at him.

"Tony?" Steve asked softly. The others had all noticed the change in Tony, so they'd all been gentle and soft with him, not wanting to hurt his mental health.

"Here," Tony said handing over the newly improved shield to the captain. "I've made some minor upgrades to it, there's a bunch of buttons for you to play around with. Clint, I've made you more arrows since you seem to run out pretty quickly and I've made new arrow head settings for you. Nat, I've upgraded the widow bites, you've got twelve more settings including tasers and a few others I think you'll really enjoy. Bruce, I've made you more size changing clothes for when you hulk out and I've upgraded your laboratory, don't ask I got bored. I've done some stuff for Thor when he finishes in Asgard. I've upgraded the War Machine suit for when the colonel has finished his duties. I've created an upgrade that prints off all that happens on missions to make the rundowns afterwards with Director Fury a lot easier and smoother. I hope you enjoy playing around with your new weapons," Tony said, handing everything out to the rightful owners before leaving, this time upstairs to his personal floor.

"Okay, does anyone know what has happened to him?" Clint asked worriedly. He and Tony had always gotten on pretty well, he thought of Tony like a protective older brother who adores his siblings, but lately, lately he hasn't been seeing it. He's seen the protectiveness, but not the familial side to him.

"No, I don't know. I wish I did, I don't like how much he's changed so quickly," Steve said, looking at his shield to see the buttons Tony meant. He pressed one and his shield changed shape to look more like a dagger. His eyes widened as he nodded in wonder.

"J, do I still have access to his floor?" Clint spoke up softly causing the others to look at him in shock. He could get to Tony's floor.

"Yes, boss has left you as the only other person able to get to his floor, in case of emergency," Jarvis said.

"Wait, really?" Natasha asked, since the words has shocked even her.

"Yes. J, did you say I'm the only one who can get up there? I thought Pepper and Rhodey could get up there?" Clint asked causing the others to worry again.

"Boss has asked me not to talk about it, just that he trusts you enough to keep you accessing his private floor. He says you can go and see him if you want him, instead of asking me about him," Jarvis said softly causing Clint to stand and leave to Tony's floor.

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