Comfort in Chaos

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Peter gently knocked on Tony's open bedroom door. Tony looked at him from his closet doors where he was grabbing a fresh shirt. "Come in, Petey," Tony said, grabbing some jeans as well.

He chucked the clothes over the back of the chair next to his desk before moving over to sit on the bed, gesturing for the boy to follow him. Peter slipped his shoes off before crawling into the bed, resting his head on Tony's pillow.

Tony turned over so he was facing the kid, gently lifting a hand to run through his hair. "You okay, Pete?" Tony asked softly.

Peter closed his eyes, content with the little head massage he was getting, but didn't offer any words. FRIDAY seemed to understand what was wrong because she gently closed the door, blinds and curtains before dimming the lights and sound proofing the room.

Tony frowned at that, recognising it as one of his monitor protocols for Peter. He looked at the lad before sighing gently. He got up and changed into a soft pair of joggers and a tank top before going around the bed and crawling into Pepper's side, feeling Peter roll over and rest his head on his chest almost instantly.

He wrapped Peter into a gentle hug, lifting his hand to continue running through the kids' hair. "I've got you, baby," Tony whispered softly.

Peter smiled and allowed the safety net that Tony had surrounded him in to relax his thoughts and allowed him to slip into sleep. Tony closed his own eyes after he fell asleep, content to stay with his son for as long as the boy wanted him, and he might as well sleep as well.

So, the duo slept for a good four hours before Tony woke up. He just continued to hold Peter, before feeling his boy waking up about ten minutes later.

The curtains and blinds opened after Peter had woken up. "You feeling better, darling?" Tony asked softly.

"Much, was bordering on a sensory overload, decided to come find you," Peter said softly.

"How's the senses now?" Tony asked.

"A lot better, thanks. Can we go eat?" Peter asked, sitting up and looking down at the billionaire.

"Let me get dressed, where do you wanna go?" Tony asked getting out of bed before slipping to the bathroom with his clothes, leaving the door open to keep talking with Peter.

"I'm really fancying Italian, but could also go for burgers," Peter suggested.

"We could do both," Tony suggested coming back out now changed. "Then go for ice cream," he added.

"Really?" Peter asked.

"Why not?" Tony asked, gently grabbing Peter's hands and helping him off the bed before leading him towards his room.

"I mean, if you're sure," Peter said gently.

"I'm sure, kiddo," Tony said leading him into Peter's room, sitting on the bed whilst Peter changed his clothes.

"Can we invite Rhodey?" Peter asked.

"FRI have Rhodey meet us downstairs in ten minutes and ask Happy to get the car ready," Tony said.

The duo walked out the room and went to the elevator, going down to the lobby where Rhodey was waiting on them with Happy. They silently lead the two men out to the car where the men sat in the back with Happy driving them.

"What's up?" Rhodey asked his best friend.

"Kid wants Italian, burgers and ice cream and wants you two to come," Tony said.

As the car pulled away from the tower, Peter leaned against Tony, feeling a warm sense of belonging wash over him. The city whizzed by outside, but inside the vehicle, a sense of peace enveloped them.

"So, Italian first?" Tony asked, glancing at Peter with a smile.

Peter nodded eagerly. "Definitely! I've been craving some lasagne."

Rhodey chuckled from the backseat. "Lasagne it is, but you know that means you'll be extra sleepy afterwards, right?"

Peter grinned, "That's the plan! Nap time after food sounds perfect."

Tony exchanged a knowing glance with Rhodey, both of them understanding the significance of these little moments-how they provided Peter with a sanctuary amidst his chaotic life as Spider-Man.

Happy navigated the streets, eventually pulling up to their favourite Italian place. The restaurant was bustling with energy, and the aroma of garlic and fresh herbs wafted through the air as they stepped inside.

They settled into a cosy booth, and Peter excitedly scanned the menu. "I'm definitely getting the lasagne, and maybe some garlic bread too," he declared, making Tony smile.

"Order whatever you want, Pete," Tony replied, glancing at Rhodey. "I'm covering this one."

As they ate, the conversation flowed easily. Rhodey shared amusing stories from his recent missions, while Tony chimed in with a few tales from the lab, his humour infectious. Peter laughed, his earlier anxiety dissipating with each bite and each joke.

After the plates were cleared and they'd indulged in enough gelato to satisfy even the most fervent sweet tooth, Tony clapped his hands together. "Alright, who's ready for burgers?"

"Me!" Peter shouted, his enthusiasm infectious.

As they walked to the burger joint, the city lights twinkled around them, and Peter felt a deep sense of contentment. The warmth of Tony's hand on his shoulder, Rhodey's casual banter, and the feeling of being truly seen in the midst of it all was everything he needed.

They finished their burgers, and with happy, full bellies, they made their way to an ice cream shop. The three of them laughed as they debated flavours, each choosing something outrageous.

"Pineapple jalapeño is a classic!" Rhodey insisted, making Peter wrinkle his nose in amusement.

Tony shook his head. "How about we stick to vanilla and chocolate for the kid?"

Peter grinned. "I'll try the pineapple jalapeño if you do, Rhodey."

As they sat outside, sharing their ice cream and stories, Tony couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. This wasn't just a meal; it was a reminder of the family they had built together.

"Thanks for today, guys," Peter said, his voice sincere as he looked at both of them. "I really needed this."

Rhodey ruffled his hair. "Anytime, kid. You know we're always here for you."

Tony smiled, pulling Peter into a side hug. "Always. Now, let's get home and watch that terrible movie you love so much."

As they piled back into the car, the laughter and warmth lingered. In that moment, Peter knew he was safe. No matter the challenges that awaited him outside, he had his family-his comfort in chaos.

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