Filler chapter 20

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Sebastian read through the script and raised an eyebrow at a certain part. "Baby," he said causing his fiancée to come into the bedroom where he were sitting.

"Yes, lovely," she asked, coming over to sit on his lap, his arms coming to hold her waist softly.

"I have to make out with a guy in this new film," he said gesturing towards the book he'd put down.

The girl just smiled and kissed him, causing Sebastian to smile into the kiss. "That's fine with me, you look hot kissing men," the girl said as they pulled back.

"What ever do you mean?" Sebastian asked causing the girl to shrug. She pulled out her iPad from the bedside drawer and found a video on YouTube of a compilation of Sebastian kissing boys.

"This, babe, you look so good," she said as they watched together, his hands still around she'd waist.

"So," he said when the edit ended. "You're okay with it?" He asked looking up at her.

"I'm more than okay with it as long as I'm still the one you come home to at night," Tina replied softly.

"Well, then my love, that isn't changing any time soon. I'm in love with you, if you're okay with it, then that's fine with me," he said softly.

"Good," Tina said kissing his cheek before getting off and leaving the room. She was going with him to LA for his film, they were currently in the UK where Tina's family all lives. They'd been here for a month or so, and she wanted to go with him whilst he filmed.


A week later and they were about to walk into the set where Sebastian was filming. He had his hands under her thighs as he carried her in a piggy back.

"Am I seriously not heavy to you?" She asked as he walked through the front doors, seeing some of Sebastian ex-costars there, but Sebastian didn't pay them any attention, just lowered her to the ground before turning to her.

"You've never been heavy in your entire life. So, no, you aren't," he said before kissing her lips and finally wrapping an arm around her waist and leading her to his friends.

Sebastian got re-acquainted with his friends who said they were in the film too. They found out it was Chris he had to kiss during the film causing the girl to laugh slightly from where she was looking at her phone.

"Baby?" Sebastian asked looking at her causing her to look up at him instantly.

"Yes," she replied softly.

"For one, the others need to meet you since you're always going to be here, and for two why did you laugh?" He asked holding her hand softly.

"You realise millions of people have been wanting you and Chris to make out for like ten years now right? There's so much fan art of it," she said softly.

"Is there actually?" Chris said a little in shock. "They know we're just friends right?"

"Well, since he's my fiancé I should hope so. But yeah, they know, it's just fan edits and ships. Look into it. There's Evanstan, which is you guys and Stucky which is also you guys but as Steve and Bucky. They love it," Tina said gently.

"So, fiancée huh? Names Chris, what's yours?" He said holding out a hand and kissing hers gently.

"As if I didn't know that. Names Tina, been engaged with Seb for about three years now," Tina said softly.

"How long?" Tom spoke up from watching the conversation.

"We've been together for nine years, we just didn't want to say anything," Sebastian elaborated.

"Jesus, give me mercy," Chris said at those words.

"Sorry, I don't keep things from you often, but we weren't really ready to tell anyone at the time and since then, we just hadn't thought to mention it," Sebastian explained to his best friend.

"Downey's the only one who knew before you guys, only because he dropped by one day to speak with Seb who was at the grocery store so I let him in. It was four years ago, I believe. I remember Seb calling me and saying he was coming back so Rob and I made a deal to pretend to hate each other even though we'd been laughing together for..." Tina spoke but was cut off.

"About two hours before then. Seb got worried that we actually hated each other and we kept it up for about an hour before we couldn't do it anymore. That was a fun day," Robert said drawing all attention to him where he was leaning on the doorframe.

Tina ran over and jumped on him, Robert catching her on his hips as he hugged her back. "What are you doing here?" She asked him softly.

"Well, I wrote the film, obviously I'm going to be here, love," he spoke carrying her over to the group before putting her down and hugging Sebastian,

"Hey, DJ, how are you?" Sebastian said to the man.

"Annoyed I couldn't be at family game night with y'all last week since I had to miss flying to Britain," Robert said rolling his eyes. He was upset about it.

"Yeah, we both missed you," Tina said softly as the man moved on to hug Chris and kiss his cheek. He finally moved onto Tom and hugged his kid.

"Hey, pops," Tom said softly as he held back. He'd missed this man so much.

"Hey, Spider-ling, not seen you lately," Robert responded. "I'm glad you all chose to do this film, I wrote it with you guys in mind for the character, yes, you too Ti," he said to the small group.

"Me?" She asked in shock. He nodded and kissed her cheek.

"Of course, babe, you'll see. Also, I need to talk to you later," Robert spoke straight to her causing her to tilt her head before her eyes widened in recognition.

"Yep, I'll make sure to see you," Tina spoke softly. Sebastian just nodded, he knew what this was about too.

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