College speeches

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Peter was sat in a college hall with a bunch of college kids watching his dads presentation to them. He had his headphones in and was listening to music as he sat there. He didn't need to listen, he'd written this entire presentation himself.

The girl sat next to him was getting angrier by the second until she just grabbed her scissors from her bag and cut his headphone wire causing him to look at her. "There's people who would kill to be here, stop being disrespectful and listen to Mr. Stark," she spoke causing Tony to speak up having seen the whole thing.

"Kid, you alright?" Tony spoke to his son.

"He's not listening to you, sir," the girl spoke.

"Sorry, dad, didn't realise I had to listen to the presentation I wrote for you," Peter spoke getting up and walking to the front of the room before reaching into Tony's bag and grabbing his spare headphones.

"Hey, girl. I don't know why you just cut my sons headphones but they cost fifteen hundred dollars, I'll be getting your parents to pay that back," Tony spoke before looking at his son. "Kid, you okay? We can leave if you want," he said crouching down to be level with his kid. Peter just hugged the man. He pulled back before walking back to his seat.

"No thanks, dad, carry on. Sorry to disrupt you all," Peter said before putting the headphones back on and continuing to listen to music.

The girl sat next to him looked pale. This boy was Tony Starks son? Oooooh she fucked up. Peter continued to listen to music as his dad continued his speech, small Q&A before everyone left. The girl next to him was told to stay behind. Peter looked up as his dad walked in front of him. He pulled the headphones off before smiling at the man.

"Hi, pops. Are you alright?" Peter asked the man.

"I'm good, love. Just making sure you are. She did ruin your headphones. Luckily you've made hundreds to be sold next week, hey," Tony said gently.

"Luckily I packed multiple sets in your bag," Peter said with a shrug. They got the girls details before setting up for another presentation. Peter sat front centre this time but continued to listen to music.

He turned as a kid tapped his shoulder. "Stop listening to music, it's rude. You shouldn't be here if you're just going to listen to music," the kid said causing Tony to speak up.

"Pete, son, your mom is going to kill is both at this rate. This boy, is my son. He's listening to music as he wrote all of my presentations and doesn't need to listen to them. He can do what he wants here, he's here as I promised him pizza afterwards. Leave him alone," Tony spoke before continuing on.

The next presentation would be the last one. Peter sat in the same seat as before waiting for it to be over. It was five minutes in when his phone died. He looked at Tony who just pulled his phone out and chucked it at him, Peter catching it. He scrolled through TikTok as someone tapped him to tell him to pay attention. It was a teacher, from the lanyard around her neck.

"Pay attention, it's not everyday you get a class from Tony Stark," she spoke.

"Right. This is ridiculous now. Can everyone stop touching my son? He is on my phone with my permission. You just watched me give him my phone. One more person touches or says a word to him will be meeting my lawyers. Kid, you alright?" Tony spoke looking at his son.

"Dad, I'm fine. Sick of being told what to do, but I'm fine. Can you finish my presentation quickly? I want to go home," Peter asked his dad.

"I'll be done in a little bit, love. Continue your TikTok videos," Tony spoke softly before continuing to speak. The Q&A went wrong this time.

"Since when have you had a son?" A boy in black asked.

"Well, since I had intercourse with his mom and got her pregnant fourteen years ago," Tony spoke.

"Is he still in middle school?" Another boy asked.

"Actually I've graduated MIT two years ago," Peter spoke up still watching videos. Tony knew his super hearing was working.

"My son has five PHD's he's working from three more. He wants to beat his uncle Bruce," Tony said proudly. He adored talking about his kid.

"Dad, I've got seven PHD's I got two of them during lunch break," Peter said looking up at his dad. "Can we go home now?" He asked. Happy came over from the back of the room and lead them both out the room.

They went to a restaurant and just enjoyed their time together. It might have gone wrong but they didn't care, they had fun together.

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