Cannibal cannibal...

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... I'll eat you up

Sebastian gently rested his hand on her thigh as she looked out the passenger side window. Tina looked over at him as she placed her hand on top of his.

"What are you thinking about, Ti?" He asked her softly.

"Nothing much. Just about how happy I am. It's been a while," Tina said softly. Sebastian lifted their hands and kissed the back of hers softly before lowering them back to her thigh.

"You deserve it, you really do. I'm glad I can do that for you," Sebastian said softly. "I'm glad I met you, I'm glad you decided to come on this trip with me, even if we did only meet a few months ago," he told her.

"I have to get back out there. I went through a lot and after I met you, I just, I felt something there. Even if you started talking to me about cotton candy grapes... which we do have back in the UK, you know?" Tina said with a laugh.

He'd seen her eyes change each time they were together, saw the lack of sadness and more happiness in them. He liked it, he knew he was the cause of it. He also knew that she was going to lose this after he did what he was going to do and that thought hurt his heart.

"I know. I just wanted an excuse to talk with you. You're absolutely gorgeous," he told her, squeezing her thigh softly.

"Thank you," she said softly.

He turned into a driveway of a house in the woods. "Where are we?" She asked him softly.

"We're in one of my safe houses. Being who I am, I need a getaway from reality sometimes," Sebastian told her as he carried their bags inside.

Tina followed him and sat on one of the couches as Sebastian went and got them both a drink. He passed one to her and was going to sit across from her, but she pulled him down and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arm around her as he held his drink in the other.

"I get that, I know how hard it can be sometimes," Tina said softly. Sebastian lifted a hand and kissed her softly, hand resting on the back of her neck.

She pulled back and took a large drink of her wine. A moment later, her eyes were blurry and she was feeling very dizzy. "I'm beginning to fall madly in love with you, Tina. I'm sorry I have to do this to you," he told her, pulling her into his chest.

"L've y'u too," she managed to get out before he gently ran his fingers through her hair, causing her to pass out.

He carried her to a spare room, one of the best ones for his ... victims. He put her in the best one he'd had made, with a tv, proper bed and other things in. He tied her to the bed, bending and pushing his lips onto hers.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I love you," he whispered quietly to her before leaving the room.

A few hours later, she woke up, a little dazed and disorientated. She lifted her arm to rub at her eyes when she felt and heard the handcuff, keeping her towards the wall. She rubbed her eyes before assessing the room. She got off the bed and laid on the floor, on her stomach as she switched the TV on. Might as well get comfy she thought to herself.

Sebastian watched her through the cameras in the room. She was so beautiful. He hates to do this to her, but he had to trust her before she could come back out.

He watched her for almost a half hour before grabbing the food and drink he'd made her and taking it to her. He let himself in and she looked up at him. He shut the door, soundproofing the room once more, before coming over to her. He set the plate in front of her before kissing her lips softly.

"I'm sorry about this, princess. I have to learn to trust you before you come back out," Sebastian told her.

"What made you do this?" Tina asked softly as she drank some of the Diet Coke he'd brought her in.

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