Fractured Truths

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"You should tell him," Steve said just as Peter walked into the room for dinner.

"No, I shouldn't," Tony said before turning to his son. "Hey, kid, how was school?" He asked as Peter sat next to him, leaning into his chest.

"We agree with Tony, Steve," Nat said, pointing at her, Bruce, Clint, Rhodey and Bucky who all nodded.

"I think he should tell him," Pepper said.

"He's not ready," Tony said, holding the fourteen year old in his arms.

"Pete, you're adopted," Steve just blurted out causing all conversation to stop. Peter sat up and looked at Steve.

"I already knew that," he said before putting some fries in his mouth.

"What?" Tony asked wide eyed.

"I have super hearing, I could hear you arguing about it for months. And dads right, you shouldn't have told me, he's right, you should have waited until I was twenty one," Peter said. "As my only guardian, he had that choice, you took that away from him. You, nor Pepper, has any say in my life, keep yourselves out of it from now on," he told him.

"Told you that you should wait. Why can't anyone trust me to raise my own kid?" Tony said.

"Because he's not your kid. He's some whores kid you picked up off the streets," Pepper said rolling her eyes.

Peter lifted his hand and webbed her to the chair before putting webs all over her mouth before sighing. "Silence, finally," he said before continuing to eat.

"Peter," Steve said shocked. 

"Uncle Bucky..." Peter said looking at the super soldier. 

Bucky activated his arm and held it around Steves shoulder, covering his mouth - leaving his airways from the nose free. "I've got you, kidda," Bucky said softly. 

"So, how was school, Petey?" Rhodey asked. 

"Meh, I'm advanced in each class, so, it was pretty boring, not going to lie. What the others are being taught, dad taught me when I was six," Peter said, leaning his head on Tony's shoulder softly.

"Tony, you can't just let him handle this alone," Nat interjected, breaking the tense silence.

Peter looked up, meeting her gaze. "I can handle it. I've been doing it my whole life."

"But this is different," Nat insisted, her voice softening. "You deserve to know the full truth—especially if it affects your future."

"Maybe knowing the truth isn't what matters right now," Tony said, his voice heavy with emotion. "What's more important is that you're safe and loved."

Peter pulled away slightly, eyes narrowing. "Is that all you think I need? Safety and love? I want honesty, too. If I'm going to face the world as Spider-Man, I can't have my past clouding my future."

Rhodey leaned forward, concern etched on his face. "Look, kid, sometimes the truth hurts. But it's also freeing. You can't be stuck in the shadows of what you don't know."

Bucky released Steve and leaned closer to Peter. "Listen to your heart, kid. If you feel ready to confront it, then do it. But we'll all be here for you."

Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Fine. But I want to talk to you, Dad. Just us."

Tony's heart sank at the seriousness in Peter's tone. "Okay, buddy. After dinner, just you and me."

As the others resumed their chatter, the air felt charged with unspoken fears and uncertainties. Peter finished his fries, glancing at each of his guardians.

"Can I ask one more thing?" he said, suddenly serious.

"Of course," Steve replied, leaning in.

"How do I know what I'm supposed to do with this information? Knowing I'm adopted doesn't change how I feel about you all."

"It doesn't have to change anything," Tony said, swallowing hard. "You're still our son, no matter where you came from."

"But it does change things," Pepper interjected, her voice muffled but clear as she tried to free herself from the webs.

Peter shot her a look. "You think that matters? I have a family, a home. You don't get to dictate my feelings because you don't understand."

"Pete, just let me—" Tony started, but Peter cut him off.

"No! You don't get to decide what I feel, either. I love you, Dad. I love all of you. But that doesn't mean I can ignore this."

Steve reached out, placing a comforting hand on Peter's shoulder. "We'll figure it out together, kiddo. Just take your time."

As the meal continued, the atmosphere slowly shifted from tension to a reluctant acceptance of their new reality. Peter could feel the warmth of his family surrounding him, and despite the weight of the truth, he felt a spark of hope.

After dinner, Peter and Tony moved to the living room, the others giving them space.

"Hey," Tony said, voice soft. "I know this is hard. I should have been the one to tell you. But I thought—"

"You thought I couldn't handle it," Peter interrupted. "But I can. I've faced tougher things. Just... tell me what you know."

Taking a deep breath, Tony began to share the story of Peter's origins, the circumstances surrounding his adoption, and the choices that led to his arrival in Tony's life. As the words poured out, Peter listened intently, feeling the threads of his past weaving into the fabric of his present.

By the end, he felt lighter. "Thank you for telling me. I know it's complicated. But it doesn't change how I see us."

Tony smiled, tears welling in his eyes. "You'll always be my kid, no matter what. And I'm proud of you."

Peter grinned, a genuine smile breaking through. "Guess it's time to face the world with all the truths, huh?"

"Together," Tony affirmed, pulling Peter in for a hug.

In that moment, they both understood: family was more than blood; it was about the bonds formed in love and trust, even amidst the fractured truths.

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