Death talks

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"'s clear to me that you weren't ready for this," Nick said to him sending Peter into a flashback.

"I'm the only one who believed in you, everyone said I was stupid for recruiting a fourteen year old kid," Tony said. Peter frowned.

Peter frowned. He looked at the man. "You kidnapping me to work with you is disrespecting one of the things told to me by Mr. Stark. He told me to keep away from you, because he wanted me safe, I wasn't ghosting you. I was doing as I was told. He's going to kill me when I join him up there. Probably soon because you're sending me on a suicide mission. So, thank you for that," Peter said turning and walking out.

Nick sat down in shock. Tony had told him to keep away from him? No wonder the kid was avoiding him.

Peter sat outside with his head in his hands. He pulled on the EDITH glasses. "Help me," he asked the glasses. A hologram was brought out of Tony, a hologram of his ghost.

"Mr. Parker," Tony spoke sitting down next to him, sort of.

"Help me," Peter spoke his eyes filling with tears. He really just needed his dad.

"Peter, you're doing an amazing job. You should go with him. Because that Beck guy, he's someone who used to work for me, he is the real villain. Do not trust him, fight him. Trust me, kid, I know what I know. I chose you to be the new Iron Man because I knew you could do it, I trained you for years for this. Kid, look at me," Tony spoke causing Peter to look at him. "I'm right here, okay, I'm always going to be here for you even if not physically. I trust you, okay, you know what to do, and I know that you do. And kid," Tony spoke looking at Peter. "I may have had Morgs during the blip but you were my first born okay? You're my son, I love you," Tony spoke softly. "I never got the chance to tell you. Not before the blip. But I do, I love you more than almost everyone. I don't need to tell you what to do, you're doing perfectly fine yourself," he added.

"Thank you, I needed to hear that. I really did. I just have one question. Why? Why me?" Peter asked his dad.

"Because I saw that fifteen year old kid in a onesie and I saw potential in you, I brought you to fight in the war because I knew that you could handle it. I saw that driving force in you, and I saw you as a mini me. I loved you from that first interaction when I was teasing Spider-Man in your room that day. You're the son I never got to have and the only one I wanted. Oh, and also, your aunt is dating Happy, have been for a while. You're pretty oblivious. They didn't want to upset you," Tony spoke softly.

"What?" He spoke with wide eyes, looking at Tony in shock. He did not expect that. "Should I do it, should I trust eyepatch?" Peter asked softly.

"I wish you would, hey Stark," someone behind him said.

Peter turned and looked at Nick before looking back at Tony. He didn't care what Nick said. He wanted to know what his dad thought. "Dad?" He asked looking at the man who smiled softly at that.

"For years I tried to get you to call me anything but Mr. Stark, and you decided to do so after I was dead?" Tony spoke rolling his eyes. "When you need me I'm not answering to anything else other than that. I never trusted anyone. Not fully. Remember what I told you?" Tony asked.

Peter nodded. " don't do anything you would do, and don't do anything you wouldn't do, there's a small grey area and that's where I fall," Peter said knowingly. "So I do trust him but not fully, okay, cool. Happy is dating May?" He asked the words finally sinking in. "I'm excited for them. I'll talk to them about it when I get home," Peter spoke. He then turned to Nick. "I will get home right? Cos if I don't I'll have people coming to kill me all over agin," Peter spoke softly.

"I'll get you home safe, don't worry. You might be slightly injured but I wouldn't get you killed," Nick spoke softly. Peter looked at Tony who nodded.

"I'll see you soon kiddo, love you," Tony spoke causing Peter to smile at the words.

"I love you too, dad, see you soon," he spoke before putting the glasses away. "What you don't know you must not trust," Peter spoke softly looking at Fury whose eyes widened.

"What don't I know?" Nick asked. That was a code Tony had created when the accords happened. He didn't know that Tony had told him that much.

"What you see it is not real, what is real is what you know, that's how mystery novels work right?" Peter spoke raising an eyebrow. Nick nodded.

"I love a good mystery novel," Nick replied causing Peter to relax, knowing that he understood the words.

Peter and Nick made a plan and went through with it. And finally, Peter got MJ.

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