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Her best friends hand rested on her lower back as they walked through the front door to his home, the rest of the group behind them.

She watched in silence as he best friend got reacquainted with his family before smiling softly when Lila asked for her. "Why don't you hug her and find out?" She asked the kid as she picked her up onto her hip. She greeted Laura, but as much as she loved her best friends family, she didn't like being there. She felt alone, like always, but even more so when she saw how happy her best friend was. She couldn't have that due to the red room. She would never get the chance at a family, so being here always made her a little uncomfortable.

It was later that evening when Natasha had wandered through the trees in the woods outside, Clint having seen her leaving through the window. Natasha always seemed lost these days, like she was all alone and was like Lila when he left her. Scared, hopeless, fragile. And he hates that he thinks of his best friend in that way, but it was true. That's how she seems all the time lately, even more so when she was around his family. And he knew how much she adored his family, they had coffee mornings all the time talking about them back at the compound. So, he thought, that imposes the question as to why. Why was she feeling like that?

Clint followed Nat and found her at the little clearing at the stream in the middle of the woods, where he usually found her or went to train. He sat on the grass next to his best friend who immediately rested her head on his shoulder, Clint pulling his arm around and holding her waist softly.

"Hey," Nat whispered after they'd been sat together for around ten minutes. Clint gently squeezed her hip before he spoke up.

"Hey, hun, how are you?" He asked, but only to be polite, he knew if she didn't want to she wouldn't talk.

"Tired, cold, lonely," Nat spoke but didn't go into detail. Clint squeezed her hip again causing her to move so her legs laid over his as he laid down, laying next to him with her head on his chest.

"Yeah, I figured," Clint spoke after a minute or two.

"When can this be over? It's none stop day in day out, I can't do it anymore. I just want to stop," Natasha spoke softly. She didn't have to, no one was around, it was just between them. But, like she said, she's tired.

"Can I ask you something? It's kinda personal," Clint asked as he played with her hair softly.

"I guess, I might not answer it though," she spoke causing him to hum in agreement, he would never force her to.

"Do you get quiet and shy when you come here because of the past? Knowing that we've got a family but you will never feel like it's yours?" Clint asked in the kindest way he could think of. Nat just sighed and sat up looking down at him.

"I don't want it to, but it does affect me. I'm so happy for you, I love your family. I just know that I'm probably never going to get my own, and it's in the back of my head. I'd love to, I'd love to have a family. I just, mentally I can't and physically, well you know that was destroyed," Nat spoke shyly, almost as if saying the words made them more real. Clint had known this.

"We love you, too, for starters. You always have a place here, babe. There's other things you can do for a family. I'm not supposed to say anything, but Laura says she's willing to carry for you. I know you still produce the eggs so if you ever want a biological child, that options open. Then there's adoption. You can continue what you're doing, I know I've gotten into your head about most of your childhood, it all but most, and I know that no matter what, I am always going to be here for you to vent and rant to me about any and everything. I know what you think, I know how you feel. But Nat, you aren't trapped there anymore, I'm right here, where I belong, right by your side. I'm here for you, I always will be," Clint spoke looking up at his best friend who was looking down at him like he had all the answers I'm the world.

After he finished speaking, Nat nodded and laid back down with him, his hand coming to play with her hair once more. "Thanks, I needed to hear that. And don't think I'm doing too bad, I'm just going through a lot lately, don't worry about me," Nat spoke lacing her fingers through his other hand.

The duo laid there for around an hour just talking when the others came through the clearing. "Laura said you'd be out here," Bruce spoke as the others sat around them so they were included in the large superhero circle created. He looked at Nat, she looked so beautiful and peaceful laid with Clint. Nat sat up, pulling away from Clint who also sat up. She kept her legs over Clint's, the archers hands resting on her thighs.

"Yeah, I'm nearly always out here when I'm home," Clint spoke up. "What did you guys come looking for us for?" He added. Nat just rest her head back on his shoulder.

"We have a plan," Tony spoke before going into detail about said plan. Clint, halfway through the words began squeezing Nat's thigh softly spelling out 'I'm bored' in morse code. She looked at him before blinking once, it meant a silent yes. They'd created a bunch of silent gestures for fun, and for dire situations.

"Okay, that sounds plausible. Let's go tomorrow," Nat spoke up as the billionaire finished. Everyone agreed before they all left Clint and Natasha to it.

"Thanks for getting rid of them, Jewel," he spoke saying jewel in Latin. They both knew numerous languages, they just knew that Latin was one that no one spoke anymore. It was a dead language.

"Of course, the plan sounds like it's going to work, but I don't think they realise how much paperwork such a long and detailed plan will have, Sweetheart. Thanks for talking with me earlier. It means a lot when you do," Nat spoke, again saying the pet name in Latin. Clint just turned her head from looking at the stream and kissed her lips softly. He may be married, but it didn't mean he didn't enjoy the feeling of her lips on his, he might enjoy it too much actually. Natasha, of course, kissed her best friend back.

Clint pulled back from the kiss and spoke up looking directly into her eyes with his hand on her cheek. "Always, Princess, I'll always be here for you. I adore you and everything you are, never forget that. My best friend, my beauty," Clint spoke softly before kissing her again. Nat, of course kissed back. She loved his nicknames for her, they always made her stomach flip. "You're stunning, my love. You're beautiful, never let anyone tell you differently," he added.

"Thank you, baby boy. I won't. Kiss me again," she spoke causing him to smile and peck her lips once more.

"Always, I'll kiss you whenever you want," Clint spoke softly. He pecked her once more causing her to smile at him.

"You better," Nat spoke before standing up, holding her hands down for him to grab and use as leverage to stand, which he did.

They both began walking back and just before they came through the edge of the woods, Clint pushed her back against a tree. His hands on her hips, hers on his chest as he kissed her, one of his hands slipping down and lifting her thigh softly. Nat moaned at the action as she kissed back. He stopped after a solid minute and a half before just looking at her.

"Your lips are always so soft," he said gently.

"What was that for?" she whispered.

"You deserve it. Besides, we're almost back, so it's back to best friends for a while. I just wanted you to know I love you. You know that right?" Clint asked his best friend, sorry I'm his eyes.

"I know that, I've never doubted it for a second, I love you too, baby. Let's go home," she spoke gently, leaning up and kissing those lips again. He kissed back fiercely. And so, they went back to the cabin. They both sat with their team and worked on their plan. Clint kept glancing at Nat with a soft look, one that only she could decipher.

But it didn't matter, all that mattered was that she was there with him, safe in his home. They never felt at home without each other, so her being so close to him made him incredibly happy. They both felt safe.

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