Field trip

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Peter knew they were planning to embarrass him on his field trip today, so, he just didn't go. May had gone away for a well deserved long weekend get away and would be gone from Thursday until Tuesday, and since it was Friday, he had no care in the world about going or not. Besides he was still in pain from getting shot the early hours that morning.

He'd been out in his old suit since Stark had taken his one away and he wasn't eating properly due to him not wanting too - the words of Flash in his mind whenever he did - and this caused his speed-healing to not work. So he was in body shattering pain. So, he didn't bother to move from his bed, he just laid there in pain whilst his classmates got to tour his second home.

He didn't know just how it could go wrong.

Peter reached under his pillow as his phone beeped indicating a message. He read it and smiled, it was Ned asking if he was okay since he hadn't shown up. He pulled up the contact and called him knowing the other boy always had headphones in when in a vehicle due to his travel sickness. "Pete? You okay?" He heard as soon as the call was answered.

"Yeah, I couldn't deal with seeing the group. I was shot last night so I'm in bed. Don't worry, look I can't talk but just keeping you updated, I'm at home," Peter spoke softly causing Ned to gasp.

"Okay, I'll keep you updated on my side, get well soon," Ned spoke before hanging up the phone.

Peter sighed. He had saved up and bought a tv for his bedroom so he grabbed the remote for it off of the nightstand and played the most recent dvd that was in, Star Wars.

Ned got through the tour with Flash taunting him about Peter not being there until it was a Q&A with the Avengers time. As soon as they got in Tony called him down, worried about his kid.

"Ned come here," he spoke and the boy did so.

"Yes, sir?" He asked softly.

Tony waved a hand and a glass wall came up so no one could hear their conversation with Ned. "Where is he? He was supposed to be embarrassed all day but he isn't here," Tony spoke causing Ned to nod. He already knew that.

"He is at home," is all he said. "If you want to know more, ask him yourself, I'm not doing anything to betray his trust," he added causing Bruce to nod slowly.

"You're a good friend to him," he said causing Ned to smile. Tony got rid of the barrier and sent Ned back to his seat.

They began the Q&A until Flash brought up Peter. "Do you know someone called Peter Parker?" He asked seeming to know to be gentle toned.

Tony waved his hand and a video call sound was heard on hologram. Tony called Peter and the kid picked up, worried about his boss. Everyone watched as Peter hissed as he sat up, paused his tv and looked at his phone. "Hey, pops, what's wrong? Is there a mission you need me to make any weapons for?" He asked prepared to come into work whilst injured.

"Hey Roos. Why aren't you in my Q&A with your class? I don't need anything, thank you. I just wanted to check up on you and make sure you were alright, I know May is off out of town for a bit. Are you coming for movie night?" Tony asked softly.

"Oh, I was shot last night, haven't healed yet. I'm okay pops, I'll come over but could uncle Bruce pick me up? I need more bandages or I won't make it there. Aunt Tash, can I please switch days with you and you can have my choice tomorrow? Please," Peter asked softly.

"I'll pick you up in about an hour kiddo, I'll patch you up there," Bruce spoke causing Tony to nod at him.

"Of course, little spider, I don't mind. If it'll help you feel better of course, I've missed you," Natasha spoke softly.

"Okay, back up, why were you shot?" Tony asked butting into the conversation.

"I went on patrol as Spider-Man and didn't listen to my senses. There was someone trying to kidnap a five year old little Princess of a girl, I saved her and as I was taking her back to her home I jumped in front of her and took a bullet to the left hip, one to the fifth rib on the left hand side and left shoulder blade. But the girl was alright, I took the guy down and carried her home to her parents before coming home. I forgot to eat last night before leaving and couldn't heal properly so I stayed home," Peter spoke knowing his class was watching his every word.

"Oh babe, I'm so sorry, I upgraded the suit and was going to give it back to you last week but we got so caught up in the StarkWatch being released I forgot. Please don't be mad at me. If you are can I just give you the industries now and retire now instead of when you're 21? Please don't be mad," Tony spoke his eyes wide.

"Dad, I've never once been mad at you, yes there's been times where Spider-Man was mad at you, but never me. I'm okay, as heir to Stark Industries, I demand you to stay as head until I'm 21. I have to go, I'm about to find out that Darth Vader is Luke's father, it's so obvious, it's in his name - in German Vader means father - and even the first time k watched this film when I was s kid I could tell. I love you all, have fun explaining this to my class, see ya Ned, MJ. Bye," Peter said putting the phone down and slowly laying back down.

Tony turned back to a pale Flash sitting next to an equally pale teacher and raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I know my adopted son, he's been interning here since he was twelve, adopted by me since he was 14, Spider-Man since he was fifteen. His name is Peter Benjamin Stark, sole heir to Stark Industries. He bought your school, I don't know if you know that. I have control over everything there, the cameras showing you both bullying him that I sent recordings of to our family lawyer. I see all, now you will be taken off premises, I need to go and fix my son. I hope you all enjoyed the trip. Also please note that anything said about anything in this room will be unable to pass your lips. Bye," Tony spoke as Pepper walked in.

"FRI said you needed me urgently?" She asked.

"Yes, we're going to fix our son. He was shot last night, we need to go, now, Green Giant, let's roll," he said and everyone of the avengers followed them out to the minivan which was stocked with a full medical kit and 22 lots of everything which seems excessive but they could never be too prepared. As the car drove Bruce got everything he'd need and then prepared a new full medical set for Peter with five of everything in.

Upon arrival, Bruce got out before the vehicle stopped and ran to his nephew before Tony and Pepper went, the others waited outside knowing Peter hates being crowded. Inside, Pepper was packing Peter a few things he needed to take with him, his stuffed animal, his Spider-Man things and just went tidying around to keep herself busy whilst Tony crawled onto the bed and held his son as Bruce checked over the medical work Peter had done before whistling. The kid did amazing when given the placement of the wounds, he'd even somehow sewn up his shoulder blade.

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