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*knock knock*

Robert opened his door and raised an eyebrow seeing Chris at his door. "Yes?" He asked his friend.

Chris just pushed his way into the house, Robert just sighing, closing the door and following his best friend into his kitchen where Chris had taken a bottle of his beer and was currently downing it. Robert just sat on the counter and waited for his friend to talk to him.

"What happened, babe?" Robert asked his best friend.

Chris just finished his drink before downing another one, not saying a word. Robert was watching him. He was pretty worried about him now, the man barely drank especially so much in one sitting.

"Carly's in the hospital," Chris whispered his eyes filling with tears. Robert felt his heart break. He loved Chris and the Evans family so hearing this hurt him a lot.

Robert jumped off of the countertop and wrapped his friend in a hug, Chris immediately hugging back and beginning to cry onto his shoulder. "Shh, I've got you, it's alright," Robert spoke hugging him tightly. They stood there for a while until Chris calmed down.

"Cancer," Chris whispered. Robert felt his heart break all over again.

"Oh, babe, I'm so sorry," Robert spoke softly. Chris just nodded, he already knew that.

"Can you come with me to see her?" Chris asked softly. Robert instantly turned, grabbed his keys and Chris' hand before leaving, locking the door behind him. He drove his best friend to the hospital and went with him to see his sister.

Chris softly knocked on the door before entering seeing his parents and brother sat with his sister on the hospital bed. He grabbed Roberts hand as they entered the room. He'd come straight from set to Roberts since he'd gotten the call whilst filming.

Robert sat down as Chris sat on the edge of his sisters bed, hugging her softly. Robert just watched his best friend quietly. Robert knew how much his family meant to Chris, so he was sat with them because his best friend asked him to.

"Hey Rob," Carly spoke after speaking with Chris for a few minutes.

"Hey, Carls, how are you doing?" Robert asked bringing his attention to his best friends sister.

"As good as I can be, it's only grade 2 so I have a good chance of chemotherapy working. They managed to catch it very early, luckily," Carly spoke causing Robert to sigh and nod in relief.

"Good, don't want you getting worse," Robert spoke with a smirk letting the family know he was joking. "Besides, I'm having thanksgiving with y'all this year so... I need you there," he added.

Carly just laughed and they talked for a while before Chris got Robert to take them back. In the car, Chris grabbed Roberts hand as the man drove, Robert glancing at him in question. "Thanks for coming with me," Chris said softly.

"Always, I'll always be here for you," Robert spoke softly. "Whatever you need," he added.

"I know, thank you. And sorry for breaking into your house," he added as an after thought. Robert just laughed. He didn't drive back to either of their houses, they were meeting with some of the other avengers cast for dinner, not that Chris remembered that.

"It's all good man. I gave you a key for a reason," Robert spoke pulling into the parking lot and getting out, Chris copying him as they walked towards their friends.

"Hey guys," Scarlett spoke pulling them into a hug.

"Guys, I'm in need of a distraction. My sisters in the hospital," Chris spoke softly causing the others to nod understandingly, they all knew how much Chris' family meant to him.

"Grade 2 cancer, high chance of survival with chemotherapy," Robert added, his arm coming out and his hand grabbing Chris' softly.

"Okay then, let's distract you," Liz spoke softly and they all went into the restaurant and began having a meal and nice conversation, Roberts hand on Chris' thigh the entire time, a comfort for the younger.

Whilst waiting for the food, Robert turned his face towards Chris' ear and whispered into it, "she'll be fine, it's alright, just relax," Robert said. Chris just nodded and rested his head on Robert's shoulder as they conversed with their closest friends. Everyone understood Chris being down but they didn't like it. Chris was the most jolly person they knew, and to see him so distraught really hurt them all.

Hiddleston got up from his seat, walked around the table and hugged Chris tightly, Chris hugging back. Tom kissed his cheek before pulling back and going back to his seat. Chris raised an eyebrow at him but no one said anything about it.

Chris was thankful all of his friends were there for him, and if he slept at Roberts house that night neither men complained.

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