Steve x Y/N

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"Ughh, will you two ever stop being all over each other?" Nat said as the avengers walk into the lounge.

Y/N just looked at her before looking back at Steve, who she was sat on his lap watching a film. She just got off. She knew the others didn't really like her so she walked off to get some water. Steve looked at the others in shock. "We're watching a film, you don't have to be so rude," he said to the others. He knew that his fiancée felt awkward around the others and felt they didn't like her.

"I wasn't being rude, I didn't mean it. I was joking," Nat said looking towards the kitchen.

"Yeah, well don't," Steve said as Y/N came back out sitting across the couch from him. Steve glared at Nat for making his fiancée feel like they couldn't be near each other. "You can sit here, I don't mind," Steve said patting the seat between them both. Y/N just shook her head. Steve glared at Nat again.

"Okay, enough of that. We should play truth or dare," Tony suggested. Everyone agreed, except Y/N who just shrugged indifferently. "Y/N truth or dare?" Tony asked softly. He and Y/N were basically brother and sister, they were really close friends.

Again, she shrugged. "Uhh, dare?" She said gently.

Tony smirked. "Other than Capsicle, kiss the person who you think is attractive on the cheek," he said. Y/N looked at Steve for permission before standing as he nodded.

She kissed Pepper on the cheek before sitting back down. "Bucky, truth or dare?" She asked her fiancé's best friend.

"Truth," Bucky said.

"Hmm, apart from a soldier, what did you want to be growing up?" Y/N asked softly. Bucky froze for a second.

"Woah, takes me back. I didn't have a set plan, really. But I was into the geeky stuff, was really into reading and such. I used to write poetry, so probably a poet," Bucky said softly.

"It's true, his poems were very well written," Steve said.

"Hmm, Nat, truth or dare?" Bucky asked the assassin.

"Truth," she replied, shocking the others.

"Really?" Tony asked.

"Why don't you like Steve being with Y/N?" Bucky asked. Nat's eyes widened as Y/N froze.

"Because she can't leave him alone. It's like she'd rather be attached to him than being on her own and making friends with us all. She's all over him, it's disgusting. I bet they couldn't last a week without being all over each other," Natasha said first to Bucky then to Steve and Y/N.

"Okay then. I bet we can last two months," Y/N said in response to her words.

"Then let's make it official. Rules, no kissing, touching or anything remotely intimate is allowed between you both for the two months. If you lose, you both owe us all $50 each and if you succeed, we'll pay you $50 from each of us," Tony said.

"Fine," Steve said.

"Agreed," Y/N said. "Now, I'm going to bed," she added before leaving.

"I hate you all," Steve said after she'd left.

"What, why?" Bruce asked.

"Natasha just called her a whore. Did you know we're engaged? And we don't have sex, she's asexual. She does not feel sexual attraction. Have you never wondered why you never see us kiss or anything?" Steve questioned the group.

"She was sexually assaulted by her step-dad for 15 years," Tony added in.

"We'll win this easily," Steve added in.

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