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Peter was forgotten. By everyone, ever since May left town leaving him with the avengers, Peter just couldn't take it anymore.

It is a long story that began when May left with promises to call him at least once a week. But that quickly dwindled to nothing after three weeks. She just didn't have time to check up on him anymore, didn't have time for a nephew that's why she gave him away to Tony in the first place. She didn't have time.

At first moving in was fun, he got movie nights with the avengers on the weekend, a bunch of people to help with homework, fun training sessions and a lot more time in the lab with Mr. Stark. But things just started going down hill around a month after he moved in.

Steve and Bucky decided it was time to move out and easily packed up and left the day afterwards, using their money to buy a house with Tony helping with the bit of money they didn't have. From what Peter has heard from overhearing video calls as he's wandered around, the men seem to be enjoying it. Wanda has also joined them in their house, meaning Vis had left too.

Peter went down to the lab the day after Steve and Bucky left to see Mr. Stark rushing around. "Mr. Stark?" He remembered asking.

"Oh, kid, I'm leaving in a second, got some work abroad with Pepper, you'll be fine here with Clint and Natasha. I'll be gone for three months," Tony said causing Peter to nod silently before leaving. Bruce had gone off-world to Asgard with Thor and Loki.

Peter heard Tony and Pepper leaving with Rhodey and Happy and didn't hear another sound for a while. Until he did. Three days later, it was school break for a week so he was at home.

"Come on Tash, I'm waiting for you," Clint said loudly causing Natasha to giggle from her room next to Peter's.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," she spoke dragging what sounded like a suitcase out the room. "I can't wait to see Laura and the kids again," she spoke as the elevator took them down. Peter froze. He was alone. Now, he wasn't a reckless kid that would fuck shit up if he was alone. He was a kid that will crumble if alone.

"FRI am I alone now?" Peter whispered as he slid to his bedroom floor, his back against his door.

"It seems that you are, Mr. Parker. Until Boss, Wifey, Honey Bear and Hap come back. It seems The Spies are staying at Legolas' house from now on. Are you alright, Mr. Parker?" The AI asked the kid softly.

"I'm fine, thanks," he spoke sadly. Why didn't anyone notice he was here alone?

He went back to school the following week and didn't see Ned or MJ anywhere, until first class where they were sat with Flash laughing about some... party? He didn't know but he didn't speak, not to anyone. At this point it wasn't surprising that he'd been abandoned by his best friends. He was abandoned by everyone else. He just got on with his day. He went back to the tower and decided that his bedroom was too babyish. Was that why he wasn't wanted anymore? He was too babyish? Steve had always said that he was too young.

So, Peter immediately got to work. He dismantled his bed and placed all parts in the spare bedroom next door to his before filling up countless trash bags of all of his belongings. Things like Lego, action figures, his memorabilia, they were thrown. He got rid of everything. Except his clothes. He then dismantled all of his furniture and placed it in the spare room. Then he went out for a little shopping trip.

He went to a hardware store and decided to paint his room. He'd helped Mr. Stark decorate when he'd first began interning with him and being a stupid 14 year old he was he went Spider-Man themed. Now, however, he just chose some crème paint, brushes and things needed along with some normal light bulbs. He didn't need colour changing ones, he wasn't a baby.

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