Filler chapter 5

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Clint came into the lounge and knelt down next to Nat with a pout on his face. Natasha just ignored him but his actions stopped all conversation from the others. Natasha sighed as she finished her page, book marked it and closed her book looking at Clint with a raised eyebrow. "Yes?" She asked.

"Don't say no," Clint replied putting a file on her lap. He sat next to her on the couch as she opened it and skimmed the first page.

"You want STD to go on this mission?" She asked looking back at him.

"Yeah, read page 4 on the right side. You'll get why," he spoke shrugging his shoulders. Everyone watching were a little confused. Natasha read the first two lines on the directed pages and understood instantly why Clint wanted to do the mission.

"What's in it for me?" Natasha asked closing the file to look at him.

"Remember Budapest? Remember after? Plus if we do this Fury says we can have a nice long break afterwards. And not his usual day off then back to work. He said two weeks unless absolutely necessary," Clint spoke before pouting at her. "Please come. Or I'll have to find a new partner," he spoke causing Natasha to stand and walk towards the door, turning back to look at him from the doorframe.

"You owe me, big time. I'll be ready in twenty. And Clint?" She spoke causing the man to snap his head to look at her.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Don't even think about getting a new partner. I'm not dead yet," she spoke before turning to leave. She was a little bit shocked he'd even joke about getting a new partner. She had both her book and the file in her hands.

Clint just smiled. "Love you too," he shouted so she could hear him. He'd, of course, already packed and gotten ready. Natasha smiled hearing those words from her best friend.

"Okay, what does STD mean because the way I see it is sexually transmitted disease?" Tony asked Clint.

The man in question stopped moving, blinked then laughed. "No, it's our team name, it means Strike Team Delta. Oh god, no," he spoke through his laughter. STD... of course not.

"What happened in Budapest?" Steve said after he'd stopped laughing. Clint just smiled and shrugged.

"You tell me. No, seriously, it was just a mission. Our most important one to date. And before you try, it's not on file with SHIELD, Fury made sure of it. It's none of anyones business, except for ours. What I can say is after that mission we went out for dinner in a crappy chip shop. Since then after our duo missions we try to find the worst place to eat to rank it in our little system. It's basically a game for us," he spoke as Nat came back with both of their bags.

"Let's go, loser," she spoke throwing both of them at him. Clint didn't even look, but he caught them both.

"Am I really taking your bag too?" He asked as he stood up.

"You are forcing me to go, I could be sat there reading peacefully but no, I'm going to be working. So, you're going to carry my shit," Natasha spoke as they walked out, Clint's hand on her back softly.

Later that night they were in their hotel when Clint spoke up. Natasha was in the bathroom brushing her teeth as he did so. "You didn't have to come, you know. I didn't mean to force you like that," Clint spoke causing Nat to roll her eyes.

She came back through the room as she finished her teeth and sat next to him on the one bed in the room. The mission had them as husband and wife so they were sharing a bed. She slapped the back of his head softly. "Of course I was coming. For one, you're my best friend and I love coming on missions with you. For two, I adore you. For three, I'm holding Fury to the two weeks off. We're a team, C, that isn't going to change anytime soon," Natasha spoke before Clint grabbed her around the waist before falling back so he was laying down, causing her to fall down too. She moved so her head was on his chest and his arm was around her back with his hand running through her hair.

"I know, I love you too, I just feel bad. You seemed so calm and relaxed when I came to bug you with it. You know I hate forcing you into things," Clint spoke softly. It was true, he always tried to do what was best for her.

"Hey, it's alright. We've got two weeks to relax after this. Don't worry yourself, you know I love working. I love what we do and mostly, I love working with you. You're my best friend and my partner, nothing will change that until I'm dead. I could never be mad at you. I love you a lot," Natasha spoke gently before sitting up slightly and leaning to kiss his lips softly.

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