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Peter frowned as he looked at his phone. That made it sixty three weeks since he'd gotten a reply to any messages or calls he's sent to Happy or Mr. Stark. He didn't care, or at least that's what he told himself. But, honestly, it felt like he was alone in all of his work.

He sent another update, knowing he wouldn't get a reply before beginning to head home. But, he ended up meeting someone who would quickly become dangerous, Adrian Toomes.

Eventually it got to Peter being dropped into a lake and one of the iron suits saving him. When he'd regained consciousness and had gone home after Mr. Stark had spoken with him, his heart broke. If Tony had put all these trackers and such in his suit, why hadn't he been able to reply or anything to his messages.

Maybe, he just wanted Peter to continue alone in his work. Maybe, he wasn't good enough to be noticed by the superhero. Maybe him saving Peter was just a ploy for the public to see him saving the local spider-kid.

At school, Ned and MJ had stopped talking to him anymore. He was alone. May had been working extra shifts at work and was never home anymore. Maybe that's why he decided to go onto the ferry after Toomes. Because if it went wrong, at least he'd get attention from the billionaire. He never got anyone's attention anymore.

So, here he was now. Tony saving him and the others off the ship. And now, he was sat on the edge of the roof, tears in his eyes as he heard the iron suit come behind him.

"On another episode of Peter screws the pooch, I told you to stay away from this and you didn't listen to me," Tony said from behind him. Peter didn't speak.

Tony's head tilted. What was wrong with the kid? Because from everything he knew about Peter, the fact that he was talkative and a very open person was one of his most prominent characteristics. And from what the news had been reporting, he wasn't acting like that anymore. Tony stepped out of the suit and sat next to the kid.

"What's wrong, kid? The news says you aren't acting like yourself anymore, that you aren't talking as much during your patrols and that you seem like a shell of yourself. Many people are worried about you," Tony said, gently knocking his shoulder against Peter's affectionately.

Peter didn't speak, just looked out at the ship where the FBI had continued to take people onto their own ships as opposed to the broken one. Tony raised an eyebrow at the kid who just sighed at turned towards him before finally speaking up.

"Nothing, I'm fine," Peter said softly. Tony rolled his eyes.

"Kid, a blind man could see how much to have changed. You don't have to tell me, if you didn't want to. But you need to talk to someone. You're really not seeming yourself and if your vitals are correct from my daily KAREN updates then you aren't doing well mentally and physically," Tony told the kid softly.

Peter just shrugged. "Can I just go home?" Peter asked softly.

"Come on, Happy's waiting to take us home. I'll drop you on the way back home myself," Tony said softly, getting off the ledge and helping Peter down. The spider just allowed Tony to control his movements and followed without a word of complaint, worried the man would stop talking to him completely.

They got to the car, not the limousine, just a soft top car, with the roof down and Happy in the drivers seat.

"Hey, kid," Happy said softly as the two superhero's got into the back of the car.

"Hi," Peter said softly.

Tony gently rested his hand on Peter's thigh as they sat together. They didn't speak much, but the action caused Peter's heart to slow down, his anxiety having brought his heart rate up.

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