Boyf Riends- Coffee shop

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(AU where the boys haven't met yet)

Jeremy was in deep trouble.


He had been so annoyed with his dad pestering him to get a girl or boy friend, so he just eventually told him he already had a boyfriend.

The problem? He didn't. At all.

He didn't even have a friend that he could bribe!

So now Jeremy has to find a boyfriend, and quick. Jeremy sat at some stupid coffee shop away from his house. He looked around the shoppe, hoping to see someone that might work.

There was only one guy there that was about his age. The guy had a laptop out and was wearing this big headphones with them. He was wearing a big, red hoodie with a ton of patches on it.

To be honest, Jeremy thought he was really cute. But the guy couldn't be gay, he was just to handsome.

The unknown guy reached his arm to grab his drink, revealing a pride patch. Jeremy almost squeaked with joy, but covers his mouth at the last second.

Now the only problems were 1) making sure Handsome Red Hoodie Guy was single, and 2) actually talking to him.

While Jeremy was pondering how to talk to him, he didn't notice that the boy had stood up and walked over to him.


Jeremy looked up and was instantly stunned. The boy was a LOT cuter up close. Jeremy could feel his face becoming red.

"I saw you looking at my laptop. Do you like Apocalypse of the Damned too?"

Jeremy sighed in relief. The guy didn't know he was starting at HIM. "Um yeah it's actually one of my favorites." Jeremy trailed off, looking at the cute boy. "I- I'm Jeremy Heere. What's your name?"

"Michael Mell, at your service!" Michael chuckled, bowing slightly before sliding into the seat in front of Jeremy.

Jeremy was amazed at the boy sitting in front of him. Michael had a lot more confidence than him, and could easily carry on a conversation with him. The two boys talked together until it was closing time, and one of the waitresses had to ask them to leave.

"I had a great time meeting you, Jeremy," Michael said, "Can I have your number so we can maybe go out on  another date?"

"Uh um another date? Was that a date? I mean I'm totally cool if it was I just didn't think you'd actually like me back I mean you're just so cool and I um uh-"

Michael chuckled. "Here, just give me your arm, I'll write my number."

Jeremy rolled up his sweater sleeve to reveal a pac-man tattoo.

"No way dude." Michael said, starting in awe at the tattoo. Jeremy was at first worried that Michael wouldn't think it was cool, until Michael rolled down his sleeve to reveal a similar looking tattoo. They both stared at the tattoos, before they burst into laughter.

"Oh wow I feel like this was meant to be!" Michael said between laughs. He then jot down his number on Jeremy's arm, avoiding the tattoo, and started down the street. "See yah soon beautiful!"

Jeremy's face turned bright red at the complement.

Well, at least he didn't have to worry about finding a boyfriend anymore.

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