Boyf Riends- Pumkin Carving

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Jeremy laughed as he tried to make out what Michael had carved into the pumpkin. "H-h-how? What, what was that? Like, you know, supposed to be?"

Michael sighed, placing his head in his hands. "I-I don't even know. I think I was trying to like, Jack? From Nightmare Before Christmas?"

"That's supposed to be Jack?" Jeremy asked, his laughter still present.

Michael rolled his eyes, blushing a deep red under his glasses. "I'm sorry I was trying to be cool with the Halloween theme, loser."

Jeremy smirked. "I accept your apology, you nerd. And don't worry, no ones as cool as me and my pumpkin."

"Oh whatever, your pumpkin can't be any better!" Michael grabbed the pumpkin in front of Jeremy, spinning it around quickly.

At the silence that was now filling the room, Jeremy began to doubt himself. "L-look, um, I'm sorry, I-I know I'm not the best artist or anything, but um."

Michael finally looked up at Jeremy, tears brimming his eyes. "Y-you, you carved me?"

Jeremy slightly nodded his head.

"Y-yeah? I'm uh, I'm sorry, I knew I shouldn't have done it, I-I can like, throw the pumpkin away, sorry." Jeremy stood up, about to take away his carving, but Michael jumped up, attacking him in a bear hug.

"Thank you so much. You... you made me look so good." Michael mumbled as he buried his head in to Jeremy's shoulder. He placed firm hands on Jeremy's hips, keeping him from throwing away his new treasure.

"Y-y-you always look good, b-baby." Jeremy stuttered out. Michael smiled as he pulled away from Jeremy's chest, and placed a soft kiss on Jeremy's lips.

Jeremy let out a surprised squeak, but melted into Michael.

Michael gently lifted Jeremy, twirling him slightly before placing him on the table. Jeremy let out a soft laugh before Michael started to attack him with kisses again.

Michael dragged the kisses lower, until he was almost near Jeremy's collar bone.

"N-n-no, no marks?" Jeremy almost asked.

"No marks sweetheart, I promise."

Michael continued to pepper Jeremy with sweet, gentle kisses on his neck, enjoying the soft sounds Jeremy was making.

"M-Micha, I lov-"

The front door slammed open, causing the two boys to jump.

Michael cursed internally as he remembered that Jake and Rich were supposed to come over for a boy's night.

Jake and Rich were laughing about something when they stepped into Michael's dinning room. They stopped when they saw the swollen lips and red faces of they're friends.

"Are we... interrupting something?"

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