Kleinsen- Jealous Jared

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Requested by @BambieTheWriter
I think this is what you wanted?

"Please? Just one cheesy Halloween movie?" Evan asked Jared for the third time.

"No! I know you're like, not into spoopy things, but I can not watch 'Nightmare Before Christmas' every single day before Halloween. A man needs his horror movies!" Jared glanced at Evan, and dropped the topic once he saw how stressed Evan looked.

"Hey, so uh, tonight do you want to-?" Jared was cut off by a loud Murphy.

"Hey Hansen!" Evan turned slightly as Connor placed an arm on Evans shoulder. "Evan, do you want to come over tonight? My sisters renting like, Air Buddies but Halloween? And I do not want to deal with that alone."

"O-oh, um, w-well, ac-" "We'd love to, Murphy." Jared's eyes drew daggers at the taller boy.

Connor smirked. "Alright, cool. My house, six." With that he walked away, swaying his hips more than Jared was comfortable with.

"W-what was that about?" Evan asked.

"What?" Jared defensively put his arms over his chest. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Jared, I'm your friend. I know you uh, you don't like Connor. S-so why'd, uh, why'd you take the offer?"

"Well, someone's gotta bring condoms!" Jared joked to hide his sadness at the word. Friend. That's all he was to Evan.

No. Tonight... tonight Jared would finally tell him.

"Evan! Hey!" Connor pulled Evan into a tight hug, and Jared took a deep breath to calm himself.

"Jared. You actually came." Connor said, surprise lacing his voice. "Come on in, guys. The rest of the group is already here."

Evan rung his hands as he greeted the group, Jared saying his hellos as well.

"Alright ladies," Jared glared at Connor as the group laughed. "Let's get this party started." Connor looked at the movie his sister had picked out.

"Really Zoe? Spooky Buddies?"

"SPoOpY Buddies." Jared smirked.

"H-how... how did you do that with your voice?" Alana looked concerned for her life, but Jared just gave her a toothy smile.

Connor ignored the group and put in the cd, plopping down right next to Evan.

Jared glared at Connor, before moving a bit closer to Evan as well. Evan didn't notice the boys as he stared intently at the screen.

About 30 minutes in, Jared became fidgety. He needed to tell Evan, because he knew if he didn't, he never would.

But how was he going to tell him?

"Hey, we're low on popcorn. Jared, can you go get some more?" Alana passed back the bowl.

"I'm mean, sure, but I don't know where anything is, so..." Jared trailed off, passing a glance at Evan.

"O-oh, um, okay, I can, I can help, let's just, uh." Evan carefully got up, motioning for Jared to follow him.

"H-hey, Jared?"

"Yeah?" Jared's calm voice did not match his panicking insides. "What's up?"

"Are... are you okay? I mean, it's okay if you're not, I'm just worried? I don't want you to not be okay because I like you and I just-" Evan cut himself off, wide eyed. "I-I-I mean, I just, um."

"You like me? Nice joke Evan."

"No, no, is not, I'm not-"

"I've seen how you look at Connor. I get it, he's more attractive and stuff, you know?" Jared didn't look at Evan, as he placed the popcorn in the microwave.

"No! I don't-"

"And he's been like, all over you all night Ev. Like geez, get a room!" Jared laughed, but it sounded forced. "Stop worrying about me. I'm sure your boyfriend-"

"I had him Connor pretend!" Evan finally yelled, successfully cutting Jared off.

"Y-you, you what?"

"I had him be super flirty and cocky with me because Zoe said it was a good idea and that you would get jealous and stuff and I realized that it wasn't a good idea and I just-!" Evan cut himself off by forcefully pulling Jared into a kiss.

Jared fumbled for a second before melting into Evan.

The kiss was bite bliss. A little messy, a little too hard, but both could feel each other's love. They needed this. They'd needed each other for so long, that now they were starving for each other's taste.

It would have lasted longer, if it weren't for the microwave going off.

Jared pulled apart, chuckling slightly. "Wow. Popcorn is such a cock blocker."

Evan hit him slightly before grabbing the popcorn to bring to their friends.

"S-so, Jared, I uh..." Evan


"W-well, it's just, um... if you want to watch a horror movie with me... I'm ready. I-I'll watch whatever you want to watch."

"Nah." Jared said, kissing Evans lips gently.

"I'd rather watch Spoopy Buddies."

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