Kleinsen- Goin' Viral pt2

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Thank you guys for all of the support ❤️ 💙You're the best, so thank you!

Evan sleepily tried to pull his warm stuffed animal closer to his chest, but he realized it was freezing.

Moving back in disgust, he slowly opened his eyes to see a pillow. His door started to open, and in a panic Evan clutched the pillow, ready to attack.

"Jeez, chill, it's just me." Jared held up a plate of food. "And I come bearing breakfast, my good sir."

Evan blinked in confusion. "How, how did you? Why are you?"

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Jared asked softly, placing the tray of food on Evans nightstand.

"Um..." Evans face turned bright red as he began to remember. "I'm sorry." He looked away in shame.

"Hey, don't be sorry. It's not your fault." Jared gently climbed into bed with Evan, holding him in his arms.

"I just, I just want to this to be over." Jared rocked Evan back and forth as Evan babbled on. "I want it to stop, I can't live this lie, I can't do this anymore..." He trailed off, looking into Jared eyes. "Why, why have you been so nice to me?"

Jared was about to make a self deprecating joke, but Evan beat him too it. "Why me? I don't, I don't deserve anything."

"Stop that. Stop it." Jared pulled him closer to his chest. "You deserve so much more than what you have, okay? You do fucking deserve this. Hell, you deserve something better than what I can give you. Okay?"

Evan nodded, staring deeply into Jared's eyes. When he found whatever he was looking for, he gently pressed his lips against Jared's, hoping he was right. Jared didn't respond for a moment, too shocked.

Evan started to back out. "I-I'm so-"

Jared cut him off, pulling Evan by his collar. His attempt was messy, but Evan loved it. Evan ran his hands through Jared's hair. Evan gently removing his lips from Jared's, to kiss his forehead.

Evan leaned back, a soft smile on his face when he saw how happy Jared was.

"Wait, was that like a 'I'm sad so this will never happen again' kiss, or was it a 'I actually like you, let's do that more' kiss?"

"I um, I actually do like you, Jared. You, you make me happy, and you like, actually care about me? So um, the second one."

Jared smiled wider, giving Evan a soft peck on his lips.

"I um, well, I'm still..." Evan looked away awkwardly, not wanting to talk about his problems more. "I... never mind."

"Hey, it's okay, Evan. It's okay." Jared rubbed Evans arms in an attempt to comfort him. "Are you still hung up about the Connor Project?"

Evan meekly nodded his head.

Jared thought for a second. "Well, you know how everything goes viral, right? Like, if it's super funny, it super stupid, or like... super romantic?"

Evan nodded, catching Jared's idea. "But, what can we do?"

"Well," Jared rubbed the back of his neck, reaching for his phone. "While you were like, clinging onto me for dear life, I may or may not have taken a picture of it? Before you say anything, I was pretty sure you were straight and this," Jared said, pointing at the two of them. "Would never happen, so fight me."

Evan laughed gently, reaching for the phone. "I mean, I'm fine with this. If you're fine with it, of course. I don't want you to like, not be cool with it-"

"And it's posted. I'm sorry, you were saying?"

Evan rolled his eyes, gently punching Jared's arm.

"Wow. After I made you breakfast? I feel hurt." Jared pretend to be offended as he grabbed the breakfast plates for them, waiting for their phones to blow up from thousands of messages.

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