Boyf Riends- Superheros

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Requested by @mbunnyj

Background information: Jeremy and Christine were superheroes, working together to protect the city. Christine died, and she now watches over Jeremy her replacement, Michael.

A single tear fell onto the picture Jeremy was holding.

The picture was fading at the ends, worn with love. Jeremy sighed, and put away the last picture he had of Christine.

Glancing around, he realized how late it was.

Where's Michael? He should have been here an hour ago.

The air around him moved rapidly, as if to warn him of the trouble his partner was in.

Looking out across the city, Jeremy felt the sudden pull towards the main city building.


Michael struggled against the straps that held him down. "Let me go, assholes!"

A dark chuckle came from the other side of the room. "Now, that wouldn't be any fun for us, would it, Mr.Mell?"

Michael stopped in his struggles. "How... how do you know my name?"

"We know quite a lot about you, Michael." The figure stepped closer into the light, and Michael struggled against the restraints more.

"Don't bother. You won't be able to escape." The man rolled his eyes, as if Michaels attempts were childish. He walked over to some control panels, seemingly ignoring the tied up super hero.

"Michael, as I said, we know a lot about you. What we don't know, is how you got your powers." As the man was talking, a big, clawed machine dropped down, hovering over Michael in a dangerous fashion.

"Especially since you seemingly have the same powers as a famous 'Wonder Girl' who recently passed away. It truly is...interesting to say the least."

Michael shut his mouth, not daring himself to speak. Where the hell is Jeremy?

As if on cue, a glass window broke, and Jeremy landed gracefully on the floor. He stood up, dusting off his hands. "Hey, I think you have something of mine. So, if you could just kindly-"

Men jumped at Jeremy, and Jeremy awkwardly shifted to the side, unprepared. He held his ground once the fighters tried to attack again. He flipped over a few, and grabbed on to one, using that one as a weapon to knock over the other men.

Michael tried to use his ice powers to escape, but nothing worked. They actually do know everything about me.

For a few moments, as Jeremy was taking and throwing punches; Michael failed to notice the wind and the restraints falling to the ground.

One Michael fully felt the restraints fall, he jumped up, rubbing his wrists.

"Hey, lover boy!" Michael froze a man sneaking up on Jeremy. Grabbing onto Jeremy's arm, he created a pathway for them, allowing the boys to escape. For now.

Jeremy sighed as he sat on the edge of a building. Wordlessly, Michael sat down next to him. Michael didn't look over at Jeremy, not wanting to bother him.

Jeremy sighed, looking around the city again. He tried to plan their next attack, but the boy next to him was distracting him too much.

Kiss the boy. He wants you to kiss him.

Jeremy jumped slightly at the words that the wind brought him. He blinked a few times, before he felt himself lean closer to Michael.

"Jere? What's up?" Jeremy blinked a few times, realizing how close they were. Jeremy's face heated up, but he ignored it.

"Nothing, it's just... I just, uh..." Jeremy  trailed off. Do I just like, lean it? Do I wait? How does this work? Oh god, what if I-

Rolling his eyes, Michael leaned in closer, gently placing his lips on Jeremy's. Jeremy jumped in surprise, but quickly leaned in. Michael's lips tasted like cinnamon and happiness, and Jeremy's world turned into fireworks. Michael smiled, finally being able to kiss his superhero crush.

Once the eventually pulled apart, the glanced at each other's red face, and softly laughed, placing their foreheads together.

The weird man could wait. Right now, the boys needed each other's comfort.

Christine floated above the boys, happy for them. Happy for Jeremy.

Hopefully now Jeremy could truly feel loved.

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