Boyf Riends- Flowershop/Tattoo AU

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Jeremy was enjoying the quiet in his little shop. Finally, the shop next door had stopped blasting Bob Marley. Jeremy had thought it would never end. Even though he loved Bob, listing to it on repeat can get annoying. He happily grabbed the watering can and went over to water his daisies and roses, subconsciously humming a Bob Marley song.

"Excuse me!" The door slammed open as a guy about Jeremy age ran inside. "I need flower help!" Jeremy numbed back a bit before regaining his posture and walking over to the front counter.

Jeremy looked at the man and realized that it was the tattoo artist from next door. What was his name again? George? No wait, Michael! Yeah, that sounds right.

"O-oh, of course. Um, how can I help you?"

Michael let out a shaky breath before spilling out everything in one big breath.

"Okay, so like, my landlord apparently somehow found out I was gay, right? I don't know how or whatever since I never have anyone over anyway, but anyway she went all crazy on me, and kicked me out. So I need a way to say 'Screw you, Shannon' in flowers. Is that possible?"

"Uh..." Jeremy racked his brain before finally answering. "Yes!" He raced around the shop, leaving an amused Michael to stand at the counter.

"Okay! So I have geraniums for stupidity, orange lilies for hatred, petunias for anger and resentment, foxglove for insincerity, and yellow carnations for 'You have greatly disappointed me'." Jeremy grabbed a case behind him, and somehow beautifully arranged all of the unique flowers.

"Wow. You're good!" Michael stuck out his hand. "I'm Michael by the way. The uh, tattoo artist next door?" Michael had subconscious rolled up his hoodie sleeved to reveal a few tattoos, but the one that caught Jeremy's eye was the Pac-Man one.

"I can see that! I like your Pac-Man one." Michael blushed as Jeremy passed the flowers over to him. "Here you go!"

"Oh right, uh, how much?" Michael reached into his jean pocket.

"Dude, you just got kicked out of your house for being yourself. It's on the house."

"No man! I can't do that. Let me repay you, somehow. Please? I feel bad."

Jeremy thought for a minute.

Well, this guy was pretty cute. And seemed to like the old video games Jeremy liked. Eh, might as well give it a shot.

"Well... if you take me on a date, then we will call it even. O-only if you want to of course!" Jeremy rushed out, his face turning red.

Michael chucked. "That's all it takes? Hell yeah! But I'm paying." He walked towards the door, and opened it before calling back, "How about tonight at seven?"

Inspired by tumblr.

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