Boyf/Tree - Garbage Man

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Requested by @mbunnyj

"It's about two friends trying to stop global warming by defeating the bad guy, who wants to litter all over the place."

It's cringy on purpose I swear

Jeremy glanced down at the city below him. His hair blew in the wind, along with his cape.

"What? What is it?" His best friend, Michael, asked.

Jeremy let out a long, drawn out sigh. "Look at all of this! This town, it's just... so polluted."

Michael nodded, sadness etched on his face. "Yes. I agree." He looked back at the city. "And they don't even care about the planet!"

"Or global warming." Jeremy added.

Michael agreed in silence. "Hey, what's that down there?" He pointed towards a large garbage collector truck.

"That's... that's a garbage truck, Michael."

"No, I mean, why is it dumping all of the trash on the streets?"

Jeremy dramatically squinted at the truck, and sure enough it was dumping litter everywhere. "We have to stop that truck! One, because of the trash, and two because I mean, look at all of that exhaust coming from the pipes!"

The boys jumped down from the building, landing gracefully on the street below.

"Halt villain!" Jeremy placed a hand on his hip. "You are destroying our wonderful would!"

The villain chuckled evilly before stepping out of the truck. They were wearing a bright green and dark black suit, with dark black hair and a sickly pale, green face.

"Who are you, villain?" Jeremy asked, daring to step an inch forward.

"I am normally called The Squip, but you can call me your worst nightmare."

"Yeah, I don't know about you Jere, but I think we are going to have to tuck this evil villain into bed."

Jeremy nodded his head. The boys threw their fists together for an awesome fist bump. "Recycle powers, activate!"

The Squip cowered in fear as the boys sent out a wave around them. The wave seemingly cleaned up all of the trash, and to top it all of, tied up The Squip in a recycle logo.

"Ah! Curse you heros!" The villain called out, but the boys were too busy celebrating their friendship with a high five.

Jeremy turned towards the camera. "Be safe kids, and always remember to protect our planet from back guys like The Squip!"

Connor and Evan stared at the TV as the screen turned black.

"Okay, that show used to be really good, I-I swear." Evan protested as Connor picked up the remote.

Connor sighed. "Let's save the cheesy 80's shows for your step brother and his boyfriend." Connor changed the channel before looking back at Evan.

"Speaking of those guys, where the hell are they?"

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