Boyf Riends- Little Mermaid Au

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Requested by @Squiip_
After I wrote this I realized you wanted the characters flipped, so I'm sorry! Also I haven't seen this movie in like, five years, so I probably got literally everything wrong but that's okay.

Jeremy sat on a rock, watching the shoreline.

He loved seeing all of the people, walking around. They all seemed so... happy. If only he could walk with them. Then maybe he would be happy.

He let out a sigh, wishing he could live out of these waters. He knew that the man he had saved was up there, somewhere, waiting for him. Maybe, if he could just get some legs...

"Day dreaming again, huh?" Jeremy screamed and fell off the rock. He quickly picked himself back up, trying to seem like he'd done that on purpose.

"Sorry Jere, didn't mean to scare you."

"No, no, it's uh, you, uh..." Jeremy trailed off. "W-why are you here?"

Rich smiled. "Well princey, I've got some news for you." He leaned in closer. "About how to be... human."

Jeremy's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, really? How?"

Rich smirked. "You know that cave, down at the bottom floor?"

"The one with the giant squid? Yeah. But, uh, my dad says not to go down there..."

Rich rolled his eyes. "But you want to be human, right?"

"W-well, I mean-"

"-Then go talk to him. He'd always be willing to help. He helped me once too."

Jeremy stood in front of the caves entrance. He knew he was disobeying his fathers orders, but to be fair; his father was kind of an idiot and banished random people. Maybe the squid wasn't as bad as people thought?

Jeremy took a shaky breath and swam down into the cave, preparing himself.

"Hello, Jeremiah Heere. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"W-w-who are you?" Jeremy asked, fins ready to make a quick escape. "A-and how do you know my name?"

"My name is The Squip, and I know many things, Jeremy." A long, silver, skinny squid-like created stepped out from the shadows. "I also know that you want to be human."

Jeremy perked up. "M-m-maybe?"

"And, if I were to guess, some of that come from... oh I don't know... a certain prince you love?"

Jeremy's face grew red. "Okay, that's it, I'm done here." He turned to swim back home.

"Wait!" Jeremy stopped, not bothering to turn around.

"I'll help you. I'll give you legs, and the ability to breath air." Jeremy turned back to face The Squip.

"What's in it for you? Why do you want to do this?"

"Honestly? I want more knowledge. Being trapped in a cave can only give you so much information, and with you on land, I can understand more. I would just need to give you one of these."

He held up a gray pill. "This will transform you, and it will allow me to see what you're doing and help you along the way."

"S-so... I just take this... thing, and it'll give me legs?" The Squip nodded. "The hell yeah!" Jeremy awkwardly cleared his throat. "I mean, yeah, that sounds okay, I guess."

"Great." The Squip handed him the pill, and Jeremy gladly took it.

"What uh, what am i supposed to do?"

"Swallow it. But go up to the shore first, or else you'll drown."

Jeremy finally reached his favorite rock. "Well," he said to himself. "Here goes... everything." He swallowed the pill, shuttering. It tasted weird.

When nothing happened, Jeremy started to climb off, and swim towards the cave again. He didn't make it that far when he started to feel his tail be ripped apart, and separated into two... legs. He had legs!

Another wave of pain hit him as his body adjusted. Once the pain dies down, he held on to the rock and pulled himself up, looking at his new legs.

Hello, Jeremy.

"What the hell?"

It's me, remember? Now, you're going to meet the prince very soon. But, you'll need to look some what okay.

"Prince? What uh, what do you mean, look okay? I look fine!"

Well, traditionally, humans wear clothing on the lower part of their body.

Jeremy looked down, noticing the lack of coverage. "Okay... where am I supposed to get it?"

Swim up to the shore line. I can see a cloth and rope up there. And stop talking out loud, humans will be suspicious.

Right. Is this okay?

Much better.

Jeremy nodded his head and swam up, trying to get use to his feet before he actually stood up.

Up there. See the cloth? Now, I'm going to take control for a second, because I know you'll fail horribly at making this look good.

Jeremy slightly panicked as he lost control of his own body. The Squip grabbed the cloth and tied it around Jeremy's waist, and used the rope to make it look somewhat like an elegant dress.

Jeremy collapsed as his body was suddenly back in his control. He tried to stand up, but his legs were still shaky. He finally stood up fully, balancing on the wall.

Hey! I think I'm getting the hang of-

Jeremy's thoughts were cut off by a dog ramming him over, and a teen boy calling after him.

"Max! Max!" The beautiful boy ran up to Jeremy, grabbing the dog by his collar. "I'm so sorry, sir, he's just, well, he's kind of..." he trailed off as he got a full look of Jeremy. Jeremy awkwardly smiled back, and it was the best thing Michael had ever seen.

"I... I uh... my names Michael. Michael Mell." He stuck his hand out to shake. Jeremy copied his motions, just like The Squip told him too.

Tell him your name.

"I'm Jeremy, Jermey Heere..." he trailed off. "A-and I uh, really like your..."


"Your dog!"

Michael smiled. "Thanks.. would you uh, like to join me for dinner? I mean, if you're available, of course."

Jeremy smiled. "I'd like that."

"Then it's settled!" Michael smiled and held out his hand. "I hope you like shrimp and tuna!"

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