Boyf Riends- Red string

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AU where once you and your soulmate turn 16, a red string appears, leading you to your soulmate.

Jeremy and Michael sat together in Michaels basement.

Michael suddenly turned the game off, causing Jeremy to fall over in shock.

"Dude!" Jeremy yelled, sitting back up.
"What was that for? We were in the middle of a level!"

Michael chuckled a bit, throwing his hands in the air. "I'm sorry man, but we need to talk about tomorrow."

Jeremy sat back blushing a bit. "I-I don't know w-what you're talking about."

"Jeremy, don't pretend you don't know."

Jeremy just looked down, so Michael continued. "Tomorrow's your 16th birthday! Which means that you'll find your soulmate! Isn't that awesome?"

"Yeah," Jeremy looked up at Michael.
"But you don't have yours and you turned 16!"

"Yeah, but that's only because my soulmate isn't 16 yet!"

"...or you don't have a soulmate."


"Sorry." Jeremy fiddled with the game controller. "I just, think that that's gonna happen to me."

"Awe, no dude. You're too good to not have a soulmate."

Jeremy smiled. "Thanks Michael. You too."

Jeremy woke up to his alarm clock, groggily turning it off. As he reached his hand though, he saw a red string.

He had a soulmate! And they were 16 too!

He quickly got ready, marking sure he looked extra good today.

Once he deemed himself ready, he followed the string out of his bedroom, passing his dad without pants on. He was too excited to say anything about it, so he just grabbed his backpack and ran out the door.

He had a feeling  that his soulmate was at school, so he hopped on the bus, getting more and more excited that the string was getting shorter.

Maybe Christine was his soulmate?

No, she's got her soulmate already.


No, Jeremy probably wasn't good enough for him.

Jeremy was still trying to come up with who it could be, when the bus stopped at the school.

Kids looked at him weird when he pushed past them, in a rush to find his soulmate.

Are the string got shorter, he slowed down, realizing that he was close to his locker. Confused, he looked up, to find the end of his soulmate string.

Michael was standing at Jeremy's locker with his sleeves rolled up, perfectly showing the red string tied around his finger.

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