Tree Bros- Popular! Evan

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Evans eyes trailed after Connor as he took his normal seat in the back of the classroom. Connor put in headphones to block out the world, and Evan wished he could be right there with him.

"Earth to Evan?" Chloe snapped her fingers obnoxiously in his face.

"O-oh, sorry. What?"

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Staring at Connor again? Why don't you just talk to him?"

"W-why don't you, uh, talk to Brooke?"

Chloe gave him a deadly look. "We weren't talking about me, blue eyes."

She placed her hands on the desk, ready for gossip. "So? When are you going to talk to him?"

"N-never!" Evan looked away from chloe. "He, he wouldn't like me. He's kinda against 'popular' people."

"Has he told you that?" Chloe dragged out, looking at her nails.

"Um, no? But he's like, totally the type to not like people like us."

Chloe ignored the statement, and focused instead on Connor. "What do you see in him anyway? He's probably like, sad all the time."

"It's called depression, Chloe." Evan sassed back. "A-and he seems really nice. I-I bet."

Chloe formed a plan. One Evan wasn't involved in, because he would never agree to it.

"Hey Connor." Chloe slammed her lunch in front of Connor, but he didn't even flinch.

"Here to tell me I'm worthless? Go on."

"Wha-no! I'm here because of a certain blond haired, blue eyes boy."

"Evan?" Connor still hadn't looked up.

"Duh! He has a huge-"

"NOPE NOPE." Evan ran over to chloe and pushed her slightly. He nervously chuckled. "She's um, not... okay... she wasn't going to say anything!"

Evan started to drag Chloe away, covering her mouth. Thinking fast, she licked his hand, and he quickly pulled away.

"Evan has a crush on you and won't shut up about it!"

For Evan, it seemed like the whole cafeteria shut up. They all went silent, turning towards the three kids. His face flushed in embarrassment, and he dropped Chloe. He quickly ran out of the cafeteria, and up towards a bathroom, locking himself in a stall in shame.

"Chloe, always thought you were a horrible person, but damn, this crosses the line." Connor stood up and grabbed his bag, calmly heading towards the bathroom after Evan.

"Evan?" Connor knocked on the only locked door.

"G-g-go a-away." Connor could hear Evan crying from behind the door, so he calmly replied back. "Hey man, I'm going to break down the door. Move away from it."

"N-n-no! I'll just, just uh." Evan opened the stall door, tears running down his face.

"I'm sorry for what Chloe said." Both boys said at the same time.

"W-wait, why are you s-sorry?"

"Because she spilled your guts without your consent. Why are you sorry?"

"B-because I-I know you don't like popular kids, and, and I didn't want to force this on you, a-and you seem like, uh, you want to be left alone?" Evan slid to the ground. "A-and I ruined this."

"Hey man, it's not your fault." Connor slid next to him. And if it makes you feel better, I like you too. You seem a lot nicer than some other kids."

"S-s-so you um, don't hate me?"

"Nah. It's not your fault you fell for someone this incredibly sexy."

Evan let out a small chuckle before covering his mouth. "S-sorry."

"Dude, you have nothing to be sorry for." Evan looked away in embarrassment once again.

"So... wanna go on a date or something after school?" Evan looked at him with wide eyes. "R-really? Me?"

"Do you see anyone else in this stall? Yes you. I'll pick you up."

Connor stood up, stretching. "I'm going back to class. I'll see you soon."

And with that, Evan realized that Chloe actually did help.

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