Connor X Evan- Movie Night

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Connor shifted awkwardly, trying to re-adjust all of the snacks and blankets he was holding. He grabbed the key that Evan help under their door, and unlocked the door

"Evan?" Connor called out, closing the door.

He heard Evan sprint down the stairs, only to meet Connor's eyes with clear disappointment. He quickly covered it up with a fake smile.

"Connor! What are you...? Doing?"

"Wow, I'm so excited to see you too." Connor placed all of the blankets on the couch, the walked to the kitchen for the snacks.

"Oh, no! I wasn't... disappointed in you I just kinda thought... it would be mom..." Evan mumbled the last part, barely loud enough for Connor to hear.

"Hey, come here" Connor pulled Evan into his arms, feeling the younger boy melt at his touch. "I'm not mad at you or anything. Besides, I came over here because I wanted to help you."

"What do you mean? I don't need help..." Evan didn't meet Connors eyes.

"Evan, I can tell when you're upset, and you've been off all day! So I brought you your favorite snacks, and the blankets you like from my house."

Evan looked up with visible tears in his eyes.

"Oh no, baby what did I say? I'm sorry. I should have asked before coming, oh god, I'm sorry Evan!" Connor frantically tried to stop the tears. Evan laughed, and brought Connor's hand to his lips.

"N-no I'm fine! Can we just, um, cuddle? Maybe? I just want to be with you..." Evans face grew red.
Connor chuckled. "Of course sweetheart. Now, do you want to watch Planet Earth, or Life?"

Sorry it's so short! I just wanted a quick little fluff, but maybe I'll do something longer soon!

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