Kleinsen- Are we...?

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Evan was excitedly telling Alana about the new tree exhibit at the science Museum, when he was interrupted by his... by Jared.

"Hey babe." Jared walked up to Evan, slinging his arm around his shoulder. "Did you see my snap last night? All those girls in my chat room?"

"Y-yeah, yeah I did. Uh, was, was it fun?"

"Hell yeah it was." The bell rang, and Jared moved his arm. "We still on for video games and alcohol?"

"Yeah! Yeah, sure Jared." Jared winked and walked away, confidence surrounding him.

"Okay, I'm really confused." Alana mumbled while the two were walking to class. "Are you two dating? I can't tell, because first he called you 'babe', but then he started talking about girls, and then the date thing?"

"Oh, uh, you know?" Evan started, rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't... I don't know, exactly? If we are dating?"

"Why don't you ask?" Alana questioned.

"I've, I've tried. He's really good at ignoring emotions and, and changing a topic."

"Huh. That's weird." Alana whispered under her breath. "Well, maybe you can ask him tonight? Like, for real, for real. No hesitation."

Evan chuckled. "You uh, you know who you're talking to, right? I'd rather have a, a mental breakdown in a Walmart then have to tell someone something like that."

"Don't worry, it'll be easy." Alana grabbed their papers, and sat down in her seat next to Evan. "Okay, so here's the plan."

Evan nervously shifted, ringing Jared's door bell again.

"Dude." Jared said as soon as he opened the door. "You can just like, come in. You don't have to knock." He wandered off towards the kitchen, and Evan closed the door behind them.

"I'm, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, Hansen." Jared turned back, his eyes soft as he looked at Evan. "I'm just telling you, for next time."

Evan nodded his head, resisting the urge to say sorry again.

"Come on," Jared took Evans hand, making Evan blush profusely. "I've got the drinks and the snacks, and we can play some like, zombie game or something."

Evan nodded, mentally preparing himself for the plan.

You can do this, Evan. It's just the guy you've liked for a long time. You're just asking if you're dating. This should be easy.

Oh god, why did I think this was a good idea.

Jared was already on his third glass of wine, while Evan was still milking his first one. Jared was laughing about something, and Evan felt like now was the perfect time.

"Hey Jared?" Evan asked softly.

"Yeah, hot stuff?" Jared laughed at his own comment.

"I uh, I'm just..." Evan fidgeted with his hands in his lap. "Are... are we? Um."

"Come on, it's okay." Jared mumbled, dropping his over happy act when he saw how effected Evan was. "What's wrong?"

"Are we dating?" Evan blurted out. "I want, I want a real answer. I just, I just want to know, because I'm getting really mixed signals, and I'm just-"

Jared messily kissed Evan on the lips, whispering against them. "I love you."

Once they pulled apart, Jared started talking again. "I'm sorry I'm not... open. I just... I don't know. I don't want you to reject me 'cuz I'm a loser."

Now it was Evans turn to kiss Jared, just not as messily. "I love you, so much."

The next day, the two boys walked to school hand in hand. When Alana saw them, she stoped them. "So? Are you two dating?"

Jared glanced over at Evan, and smiled wide.

"Nah, we're just family friends."

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