Tree Bros- Roller Skater AU

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Chapter One of Pork is up btw

Warning: mentions of cutting, and it's super rushed whoops

"Hey Hansen! Loving the new sweater. It just screams 'I'm hiding something'."

Evan pulled the sleeves of his sweater down further. "W-why, um, why do you think that? I'm not... I'm not hiding anything, that would so... so weird."

"Right... does your boyfriend know about this?"

"Know about what Jared, there's nothing to know about, there's nothing to know about Hey Connor!"

Jared rolled his eyes as the tall boy walked over to the group. "Hey Connor."


"Your boyfriend is hiding something in his skin, and I'm 98% sure it's hickeys from you too." Jared started walking away from the group and towards his class. "Bye losers!"

Connor watched Jared leave before turning back towards Evan. "Okay, I know for a fact I didn't give you hickeys last night."

"It's not! I wouldn't, they... they aren't..." Evan trailed off, trying to figure out what he wanted to say.

"They aren't hickeys."

"So you are hiding something." Connor lowered his voice. "Are you..." he trailed off, pointing to his wrists.

"No! No, no. But um, if I show you, you'll freak out, so um..." Evan backed away a tiny bit from Connor, not wanting him to get the wrong idea about what was under his sweater.

"It's... I'm..." Evan was saved by the bell ringing. Evan rushed off, leaving behind a confused and concerned Connor.

Evan stealthily rushed to his car, making sure no one saw him after school. He put his bag on the passenger side, and slid in, rushing to start the car. He wanted to get out of there before anyone saw where he was going.

Connor watched as Evan raced out of the parking lot, and he turned on his car, carefully following Evan.

If Evan was cheating, which he highly doubted, then he would catch him in the act.

Connor followed Evan for a long time, before finally Evan pulled into a small, roller skating rink.

Confused, Connor parked far enough away from Evan so he wouldn't be seen, and watched Evan go inside, holding a duffle bag.

What the hell?

Connor waited over an hour until Evan finally came back out.

Evan happily opened the door, and headed to his car, but that's not what Connor noticed.

Evan was wearing tight, Capri shorts, and a baggy T-shirt. He had elbow pads and knee pads, and it looked like he had tights on to.

And Evan was covered in bruises.

Did he get in a fight? Is he okay?

It was only then did Connor look up at Evans face to see how happy the small boy was. Evans smile was wider than Connor had ever seen it, and he didn't look rushed or anxious like he normally did.

Maybe Hansen wasn't cheating after all...

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