Tree Bros- Jazz Band

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Requested by naturesbluebonsai
They also were the one who created my new cover! Thank you!

Evan and Connor are in Jazz band for this AU

Zoe looked around the corner to make sure the boys weren't looking. When she was sure that the coast was clear, she sprinted to the band room.

Closing the door behind her, she happily glanced at the crowded room.

"Alright guys. Who's ready to practice?"

A girl in the front row raised her hand slightly. "Uh, I'm sorry, Zoe? What is this extra practice for? We don't have competition for a long time..."

"Oh! Right, sorry I thought I already told you guys." Zoe glanced around, trying to find the right words.

"You know my brother, right? And the small boy he's always with? Well, my bro wants to ask him to prom. He just needs our help to like, play in the background while he asks."

The crowd mumbled with agreement. The same girl raised her hand. "Sorry again, but what music are we playing? And... does Connor know about this?"

"Great question!" Zoe said encouragingly. "Connor does know about this, but if he was here for too long, Evan would get suspicious. So I'm here as a rep. And the song..." Zoe dragged out her words. "Is..."

Evan and Connor walked hand in hand towards the band hall.

"I-I uh, why?"

"Why what?" Connor asked, pretending to not know what Evan was talking about.

"Why are we, um, going to the band hall?"

"Oh, yeah. That's a good question."

Evan waited for Connor to continue, but he didn't.

"Um, that didn't help me."

"Good." Evan looked around the empty hallway in confusion.

Connor knocked secretly on the door to the band hall. The door slightly opened, with the lights dimly on.

Evan and Connor walked into the room, and a soft song began to play. As they got a few notes in, Evan realized it was Marry Me, a song that Evan loved but Connor hated.

Evan looked expectingly at Connor, and gasped when Connor was on his knee with a poster. Confetti fell around the boys in a soft, fluttering manor.

"Evan Hansen, will you go to prom with me?" Evan didn't answer right away, choked up.

"You don't have to say yes, and like, I get it if you don't want to go with me. But I love you so much, and-"

"Yes." Evan softly mumbled.

"What?" Connor asked, disbelief clear in his voice.

"Yes." Evan said, louder. "I can't, I can't believe you did this, and, and just for me, and-"

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Connor stood up, wiping a stray tear from Evans face. "What's wrong? I shouldn't have done this, I'm sorry."

"No, no, I-I just. I'm just, so happy?"

Connor smiled, leaning down to peck Evan gently on the lips. The room erupted in loud cheers, and Connor grabbed Evans hand. Connor lifted Evans hand towards the sky like an offering to the gods.

"He said yes!" He managed to scream out over the crowd, causing more cheers.

Evan laughed at how happy Connor was. He's never seen him with a bigger smile on his face.

And Evan too couldn't have been happier with anyone else.

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