Tree Bros- Swap AU pt4

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Guys I'll write the Hair stylist tomorrow

Warning: panic attack

Connor sat alone in his room, shaking slightly. He was trying to breath, but it wasn't working.

That stressed him out more.

He had processed his sister coming in to check on him, but he didn't know when that was or what happened to her.

In, out. Deep breaths.

He was trying so, so hard.

"Connor?" Connor heard his voice being called, but he couldn't focus on it.

He felt Evan sit somewhat close to him. "Hey, can you hear my voice?"

Connor slightly nodded, still struggling to breath correctly.

"Hey, it's okay. Focus on me." Evan lightly touched his shoulder. "Are you okay with this?"

Connor nodded again. "I-I-" he tried to speak but he felt like no one could hear.

"It's okay, just breath, in and out. In, out. What's your name?"

Connor sucked in a sharp breath. "C-C-Connor, Connor M-Murp-Murphy."

"Good job. You're doing so well." Evan lightly rubbed Connors shoulder. "Breath for me, okay? Can you do that?"

"I-I'm tr-trying-"

"It's okay, I know you are." Evan lightly grabbed Connors wrist, holding it to his chest. "Listen to this. It's okay, I'm right here."

Connor nodded, and worked hard to match his breath to Evans. In, out. In, out.

Eventually his breath was more normal, and he could answer Evans questions without stuttering.

"You did so well. I'm so proud of you."

Connor lightly smiled, and leaned into Evans chest. Normally both boys would be flustered, but Connor was still getting over his attack, and Evan was too worried about Connor to care.

Evan lightly brushed his hair with his hands, and carefully picked Connor up, setting him lightly on his bed.

"Are you okay with watching a movie? Then maybe we can talk?"

Connor nodded slightly and hurried his face into Evans chest, taking comfort in his leather jacket.

Evan was the best thing he could've ever asked for.

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