Boyf Riends- Michaels Secret

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Requested by @umm-evan

Even though Michael knew he was home alone, he still looked around, making sure no one could hear him. He got up, locking his bedroom door and closing his blinds.

He took a deep breath, putting his headphones in. He scrolled down his list of old school music until he found the playlist.

He'd labeled it like the rest. If anyone looked at the playlist without looking at the songs, they would think that he was listening to classics like Nirvana or Red Hot Chili Peppers. No one would ever think it was really more along the lines of Victorious and Jonas Brothers.

They could never know his secret.

Especially Jeremy. He'd never let Michael live this down.

So Michael would just listen to his songs in his own private home, where no one would ever catch him humming along to the up-beat lyrics.

Michael tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for his boyfriend. He didn't want to be in the library longer than he needed too.

At least he had his music to keep him up.

"Sorry, sorry." Jeremy said, rushing in. "Brooke started talking to me, and then I just-"

"Hey, it's fine." Michael smiled warmly at Jeremy, calming him instantly. He pulled out one of his earphones so he could hear Jeremy. "Did you bring your history?"

"Uh, yeah." Jeremy slid it over to Michael. "Thank you again. I suck at history." He slid into the seat next to Michael. "So, I kinda confused about like, most of the America Revolution."

"Well, it's a good thing your boyfriend is a Hamilton buff." Jeremy rolled his eyes, but smiled.

"Yeah, whatever. Can you help me?"

Michael sent Jeremy to do some of the questions on his own, and really began to enjoy his music.

As he doodled on a sheet of notebook paper, he mouthed along to the words, zoning out.

Jeremy tilted his head, watching Michael. Michael seemed a lot happier listening to whatever he was right now, than his 'signature' bands.

Jeremy took the loose earphone, and placed it in his ear without Michael noticing.

Now I'm speechless, over the edge
I'm just breathless
I never thought I'd catch this love bug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment
I never thought I'd get hit by this love bug again

Jeremy pulled back, earning a glare from the librarian and a shocked, worried look from Michael.

"I-It just, it just came on, I don't, I didn't, uh." Michael stuttered out, his face a bright red.

"Was that-" Jeremy lowered his voice. "Jonas Brothers?"

"Uh, maybe?"

"Oh my god." Jeremy leaned back in his chair, and Michael waited for the big break up.

"Just when I thought I couldn't love you more, you go and listen to my favorites."

Michael searched Jeremy's face for any sign of him joking. After he couldn't find it, he asked quietly. "Really? So like, you're not... mad?"

"No way! Now, give me that." Jeremy took the earphone and put it in his ear. "Do you have Best Friends Brother?"

Michael smiled. "You know I do."

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