Boyf Riends- Snow Much Fun

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Michael threw his controller in frustration. "God Jeremy. How are you so fucking good?"

Jeremy chuckled, getting up to turn the tv off. "I mean, you're good too."

"Oh right, just sweet talk me, that sounds great." Jeremy rolled his eyes, walking over to Michael's bean bag. He threw legs over Michael's lap, sitting directly on him. He buried his head into Michael's shoulder, his breath hot against Michael's neck.

Michael chuckled slightly, kissing Jeremy on his forehead. He leaned back a bit, relaxing.

The two boys were almost asleep, but then Jeremy and Michael's phones went off.

Christine🎭:ITS SNOWING

Christine🎭:GUY WAKE UP


Michael and Jeremy glanced at each other before running up the stairs, grabbing their coats and boots, they struggled to get everything on before rushing outside to see the white, powdery snow.

"Oh my god. Oh my god." Jeremy repeated over and over. "I'm so happy."

Michael didn't reply, already making a snow man.

"Jesus. Don't you need gloves?" Jeremy asked.

"No. I'm not a weakling like you."

"It's not, it's not weak to wear gloves." Jeremy mumbled sitting next to Michael. He pretended to help with the snow man, but he just created ammo.

Michael sat back, admiring his work.

"Okay, so like, probably just need a carrot and a few buttons, and then we can-"

Michael stopped as the snowball landed directly on his coat. He looked down at it, then looked up in time for Jeremy to hit him again. "Jeremy Heere, you're going to die."

Jeremy laughed, running away with his ammo. He hid behind the car, waiting for Michael's plan of attack.

He sat in silence, his breath seeming too loud in the quiet air. He tried to slow it down, but all of his movements were too loud.

Michael snuck up behind the car. He carefully climbed over the trunk, sliding to where he was hovering over an unsuspecting Jeremy. He pulled his hand back, and hit Jeremy directly on his head.

"Hey!" Jeremy called out as Michael sprinted away, laughing. Jeremy managed to hit Michael a few times, but in a few minutes, they were both covered head to toe in snow.

"Hot chocolate?"

"Hot chocolate." Michael confirmed.

As they waddled inside, Michael continued. "Maybe hot chocolate will be our always."

"Michael Mell, I'm not going to make you anything if you keep emotionally abusing me like this." Michael chuckled, gently kissing Jeremy's forehead, bringing his hands together to warm each other up.

Michael studied Jeremy's snow covered face. He didn't know how, but somehow he felt like he loved him even more. He didn't realized Jeremy was staring at him the same way.

"I love you." Jeremy mumbled, bringing their lips together.

The feeling they felt together was warmer than any hot chocolate they would ever have.

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