Tree Bros- Soulmate Tattoos

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This was requested a long time ago by @The_Annoying_Doge and I just saw it yesterday WHOOPS

Evan nervously tugged on the bottom of his shirt, waiting for everyone to leave the locker room so he could get changed. He especially needed him to leave.

Connor Murphy was taking forever, and Evan really didn't want to be late again.

Looking back at the clock, he realized that he had to get changed now if he didn't want to get yelled at.

Besides, Evan thought to himself. It's only one person. He won't care. He won't even look at me. He tried to convince himself. There's no way he's my soulmate either, so stop freaking out, Evan.

Carefully, Evan took of his shirt, turning away from Connor. His soulmate tattoo was facing Connor, but he would rather Connor see that then him.

Just as he was putting on his pants, he heard a loud gasp come from behind him. Evan froze in place, not daring to turn around. Maybe he wasn't looking at me. He probably wasn't looking at me. Oh god, is he looking at me?

"Evan? Evan Hansen?" Darn it. "Evan, I know it's you, turn the fuck around."

Evan could feel tears pricking his eyes as he turned around. He didn't dare look at Connor in the face, in fear of being made fun of.

"Evan. Look at me. Or just like, look at my back at least." Connor mumbled softly, trying not to scare Evan off.

Evan raised his gaze, and let out a sharp breath.

There, on Connors back, was the same tattoo that Evan had, in the same place Evan had it.

A watercolor tree, with two small birds perched on a wire. One bird was a soft blue, and the other was jet black.

Evan backed up into the locker behind him. "I... I don't, but, what? No way, there's no way..."

"Evan, chill, it's okay." Connor calmly walked up to Evan, making sure to still give him some space.

"You, you, you have, I didn't, I," Evans stuttering became more frequent as he began to panic more. "I'm, I'm sorry that you're, they you're stuck with me, because, because I know that I'm a, that, that I'm a mess, and-"

"Woah, okay, hold on a second." Connor reached into his backpack, and pulled out a black and blue fidget cube. "You have anxiety, right? Try this."

Evan gratefully took the cube, and began to play with the buttons and knobs. Slowly, he regained his breathing, and could talk semi-normally to Connor.

" know, about... that."

"It's not your fault. Stop apologizing."

Evan looked like he was about to say something, but stopped himself.

"You want to say it again, don't you?"

"Very much so, yes."

Connor sighed, and jokingly rolled his eyes. "Okay, fine, but this is the last time." Connor said, clearly not serious.

Evan smiled wide, feeling more comfortable around Connor. "Sorry."

Connor chuckled, and took Evans hand, helping them stand up. "So, do you want to go into a small room packed with sweaty bodies all working out, or do you want to skip gym and go to the park with me?"

"Oh wow. You know, that's, uh, that's a tough one. Um..." Evan trailed off, a small smirk on his face. "You know, the uh, the gym sounds really great right now..."

Connor rolled his eyes again, and grabbed Evans arm. "Oh whatever, sweetheart. Now come on, I know this amazing ice cream place right by the park."

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