Kleinsen- Hot N Cold

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If you're confused at the beginning, just know that it will probably be explained later.

Evan looked out the window, awaiting the queen of Arita. She was supposed to meet with his mother for a trade agreement offer, and Evan just wanted it to be over.

Every time Queen Elenora came over to discuss anything with his mom, she always brought him.

Jared Kleinman.

Evan gasped when he realized the windowsill he'd been leaning on was turning to ice under his finger tips.

He took a deep breath, calming his emotions. Control. Breath in, breath out.

By the time Evan was done, Evan noticed a ship decking.

They were here.

"Queen Elenora! I'm so happy to see you again!" Evans mother greeted the guests with open arms. "Come in, come in!"

"Thank you, Queen Heidi." Elenora bowed gracefully. "I've brought a gift for your son."

"Oh, you didn't have to-"

"I insist. Well, Jared insisted. He's the one who came up with the idea." Elenora handed the gift to Evan, who took it happily.

As he opened the box, he's joy faded, but he made sure for it not to show on his face. "Wow. Mittens! Thanks, Jared. That's um, really, uh-"

"I know, right?" Jared said cockily. "I'm the best at giving gifts."

Evan awkwardly chuckled, and his mom sensed his uncomfortable-ness. "Queen Elenora, care to join me in the conference room while our boys play?"

"Sure! Sounds wonderful." Elenora turned towards her son, pulling him close. "I need you to be good, okay?" In a smaller voice, she whispered. "Keep your emotions in, we don't want to burn the poor boy."

Jared nodded, not looking at his mom for fear of her seeing any emotion. He plastered his fake smile on his face, and turned towards Evan. "Alright, let's go, Hansen."

Jared strolled down the hall like he owned the place, making Evan hate him even more.

"So... uh... what do you want to-"

"You don't, you don't have to talk to me." Evan mumbled, cutting him off. "I know, I know your mom's making you, so uh, you don't have to talk to me."

"Who said anything about not wanting to talk to you?" Jared asked, trying not to show his emotions.

Evan rolled his eyes, tossing a game boy over to Jared. "Just, just play with this if you'll leave me alone."

"Woah, hold on." Jared carefully placed the controller on the bed. "I do want to talk to you. What makes you think I don't?" Jared paused, then added, "Loser."

"See!" Evan exclaimed. "That! And, and you have me mittens. Mittens!"

"What's wrong with mittens?" Jared asked, almost worried. "I thought, since you uh, have ice powers, you'd be cold or something."

"Mittens are offensive in our kingdom. It shows you hiding your true emotions. Powers are good here, and I'm, I'm proud to have ice powers. Are you saying that I should be ashamed of my powers?"

"Well, no, it's just, I just. God why are you so difficult?" Jared mumbled, his face flushing. "I was trying to be nice. Oh my god. I'm sorry that I made a mistake, okay? I thought I was being nice, I thought that gift was amazing for you." Evan tried to catch Jared's attention, but Jared ignored him.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't know that powers are accepted here. They aren't where I'm from!" Jared yelled. "Powers are a curse! So I'm sorry I thought I was helping you!"

"Jared!" Evan yelled. He pushed Jared off the carpet, freezing the floor to stop the fire. He took a deep breath, holding his hand out to Jared. "I'm sorry, Jared. I just didn't want you to burn yourself."

Jared looked at Evan in a light he hadn't allowed himself to look at. Evan stood over him, holding a hand out to him, trying to help him up. Jared snapped out of his love stricken trance, and allowed himself to be helped.

"So, uh, I'm, I'm sorry." Evan muttered, his face now a rosy pink.

When he looked back at Jared, both boys saw the hearts in each other's eyes. Instinctively, both boys leaned in.

Pressing their lips together, the boys were treated with fireworks and beautiful comfort. Evan grabbed Jared's waist, pulling him closer to his chest.

Jared pulled away quickly, turning towards Evans door.

"What?" Evan asked softly, following Jared's stare.

"Nothing, I just... I thought I saw something, but uh, I guess I didn't." He turned back towards Evan. "Now, where were we?"

Heidi and Elenora giggled, racing back down the hall.

"Oh my gosh, I totally called it." Elenora's laughter filled the castle. "I'm so happy it worked out."

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