Tree Bros- Drunk in Love

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Warning: Underage drinking, and hecka short. ITS NOT SMUT I SWEAR.

Connor watched at Evan danced around the kitchen. He chuckled softly at Evans little jumps and uncoordinated dancing. Evan gave Connor a big smile, before trying to take another sip of wine.

"Okay sweetheart, I'm just going to take that from you." Connor jumped over the couch, and gently took the glass from his boyfriend.

Evan tried to protest, but he couldn't wipe the wide smile from his face.

"What?" Connor asked as Evan leaned into his body.

"I just love you." Evan mumbled into Connors chest. He started to close his eyes, and let out a soft laugh.

"You're drunk." Connors face began to become tinted with pink, but he ignored it. He silently cursed at Jared for dropping Evan off, drunk.

"Drunk in love." Evan smiled up at Connor, and anymore could see the pureness in his eyes. "Can you... uh, never, never mind." Evans began to blush again, and buried his head back into Connors chest.

"Can I what, baby? What do you want?"

Evan shook his head, not daring to look at Connor.

Connor thought for a moment before realizing what Evan wanted.

Connor gently pried Evan off his chest, and gently kissed his forehead. "Come on, I'll carry you upstairs."

Evan smiled, jumping into Connors arms. He laughed again, and Connor made some off hand comment about his little 'koala bear'.

Eventually, Connor made it to his room, and gently placed his boyfriend on the bed before making his way to his closet. He dug around his dirty clothes before pulling out his guitar case.

"Is this what you want?" Evan nodded his head excitedly. "You've heard my singing before right? Why do you want to hear me?"

Evan didn't answer Connor, and instead grabbed his arm, pulling him to the bed. Evan curled up on the bed, looking expectedly at Connor.

He rolled his eyes and strummed a few random cords, thinking of what song he wanted to play.

He looked at the beautiful boy in front of him, and that's when he knew what song he was going to sing.

Connor played the intro, and Evan closed his eyes, already at peace.

Connors soft voice filled the room, lulling Evan into a peaceful sleep.

"Got me looking so crazy right now, your loves got me looking so crazy right now..."

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