Boyfs- Stranger Things pt2

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Epic time skip from the last chapter, FYI

Michael sprinted across the schools hallway, hand in hand with Jeremy. Jake and Christine followed close behind, trying to escape the bad men.

Turning down a hall, they all stopped. A woman came faced them, a thick, black gun in her hands.

It was aimed right at Michael's head.

The group tried to turn around, but men came up behind them. The group crowded around each other into a tight clump.

All except Jeremy.

Jeremy took a step forward, dropped his grip from Michael's hand.

Michael almost tried to stop him, but knew better when he saw the blood start to pour from everyone's eyes.

The group inched even closer together as bodies starting hitting the floor. They weren't truly scared until Jeremy's did too.

"Jeremy!" Michael kneeled down next to him, shaking him. "Jeremy? Jeremy, please."

"He's probably drained." Christine tried to reason with Michael, but it was no use.

"He should be moving. Why isn't he moving?" Michael looked around as if the group had answers. When he got none, he looked back at Jeremy.

"We need to get him out of here. Away from-"

"Step away from the child." The group looked up at the tall man, walking towards them with confidence.

They stood up quickly, but didn't move from their spots.

The man repeated himself again, but still they held their grounds.

"You want him?" Michael said, anger lacing his voice. "You have to kill us first."

"Kill us?" Christine whispered softly. "Wait, actually I have a test on Monday." Christine stood up, making herself look more confident. "You have to kill us first!" She screamed.

"Eat shit, you dick!" Jake yelled, right as men came from behind and held them all down.

The group struggled slightly, trying to move; but their struggles intensified when they saw the Bad Man move closer to Jeremy. Screaming curses at the men who held them, they watched as the man grew closer to Jeremy.

"Twelve. Can you hear me?" He gently grabbed the boys face.

Stirring slightly in his slumber, Jeremy's head bobbled up. "Papa?"

"Yes. Yes. It's me, your papa."

"Let him go! Let him go!" Michael screamed, anger filling his veins. "Let him go, you bastard!"

Jeremy tried to look towards Michael, his tether, but the man held him back.

"Shh, shh, you're sick." Jeremy struggled more, now realizing what was happening. "But I'm going to make you better. I'm going to take you back home, twelve."

Jeremy stopped struggling, and looked back at the man. Only one thought was in his head.

"Bad." He mumbled. "Bad."

When the man dropped his grip on Jeremy's shoulder, he turned. "Michael. Michael!"

Michael smiled softly, so proud of Jeremy. He nodded softly as the men holding them started to drag them away.

"No!" Jeremy screamed. "No! Friends!"

Jeremy pushed the man against the wall behind him. "Bad." He shouted again.

Taking the opportunity of shock, the teens kicked the men in the dicks, managing to escape and run towards Jeremy.

"You're a bad man! You hurt my friends!" Jeremy yelled, blood running down his nose as the bad man dropped to the floor, dead.

Panting slightly. Jeremy turned to face the group, a smile on his face as he slowly collapsed into Michael's arms.

"Jeremy I swear." Jake mumbled.

"Hold on Jeremy, we're going to get you safe." Michael said, holding Jeremy safely in his arms.

Once the group started to move forward, Michael mumbled something closer to Jeremy, pulling him towards his chest.

"I promised you a dance at the snowball, didn't I?" Michael asked, smiling.

He could have sworn that Jeremy smiled back.

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