Tree Bros- Fight For Me

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Warnings: Homicide, Cursing, mentions of thinking about suicide.
Yandere AU
Requested by @KawaiiSagittarius
I'm sorry if this isn't exactly how you wanted it...

Connor looked around for Evan, smiling when he saw his sweetheart sitting alone. He placed his lunch try in front of Evan so he could see his beautiful face the whole time.

"Hey Ev." Connor smiled sweetly, trying to calm his heartbeat.

"O-oh, uh, h-hey Connor. How um, how was your day? I mean, so far. Obviously you haven't lived until tonight, that would be weird." Evan nervously chuckled.

"It's been rough, but seeing you makes it all better."

"O-oh! Well, uh, thank you? I guess..." Evan tried off as he looked up. "Oh, uh, here comes Jared."

Jared swaggered over to the table, a move only the deeply insecure could pull off. "Hey babe."

"H-hi Jare-bear." Jared chuckled and kissed Evans cheek. Jared sat down right next to him, holding his hand under the table. Evans cheeks burned bright red, but he was smiling none the less.

"What's wrong, Hot Topic? You want a kiss from the Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman?" Jared leaned over and made kissy face.

Connor just rolled his eyes and threw his lunch in the trash; his appetite disappearing completely. He stormed out of the cafeteria, and headed to his locker.

"What's up with him? He's seems off. I mean, more off than normal."

"I-I don't... I don't know Jared." Evan moved around the food on his plate, thinking about what Connor had said to him earlier.

Connor grabbed the delicate blue paper from his locker, and the pretty dark blue pen. He furiously began writing, but still making sure to stay calm enough so the handwriting would be believable. After he finished that one, he grabbed his green paper and red pen for afterwards.

Once he was done, he slipped the first note into Jared's locker, and went up to the roof to get everything ready.

Jared left lunch a bit after Evan, since Evan had needed to go pee or something. Jared opened his locker, and smiled when he saw the familiar blue paper flutter to the ground. He picked it up, and furrowed his eye brows as he began to read it.


There's something I want to talk about... can you meet me on the roof-tops after lunch? I mean, if it's okay with you. You're not in trouble or anything! I just... need to get something off my chest...

Love you! XOXO~ Evan

Jared smiled as he read the note, and tucked it into his back pocket before smiling and heading up to the roof.

Eventually he made it up the stairs, and to the area that he knew Evan was talking about, but he didn't see him. He grabbed his phone and texted him.

R U here yet

I don't c u

Evan walked out of the bathroom and furrowed his eyebrows before shooting back a text.

To: KleinMeme❤️

Jared quickly responded back.

To: Acorn🌳
The roof? Where u asked me 2 be

Evan started typing, but quickly deleted it and just started to head up the flights of stairs.

Jared rolled his eyes as the three dots went away. He knew Evan would be here soon. He turned his body towards the railing, and just looked down at all of the people calming sitting outside for lunch. He liked it up here. It was quiet and calming. Maybe Evan and him could come eat lunch up here tomorrow.

"It's funny, isn't it? All of the people?"

Jared jumped back in shock. "Connor! Dude, you can't just like, scare me like that!" Jared tried to sound sarcastic while he clutched his chest. "What uh, what are you doing here man? I'm kinda... waiting for someone."

"Yeah, I know." Connor stood right in front of Jared. "That 'someone' is me."

Jared gulped and tried to take a step back, but he was already against the railing. "Look man, I don't want any trouble." Jared tried to make light of the conversation by letting out a laugh, but anyone could see how scared he was.

"Right. You don't want any trouble. Should have thought about that before you starting dating Evan. He's mine, Kleinman. Mine."

Connor grabbed Jared and pushed him off the balcony, making sure to hold on to his shoes. As Jared's body crashed onto the concrete below followed by screams, Connor calmly placed the suicide note in one of Jared's shoes. He turned around to go back inside when he saw a trembling Evan standing behind him.


Connor froze in place. Evan wasn't supposed to see this. Evan would hate him forever. Evan shouldn't have seen this.

"Evan, I uh..." Connor trailed off nervously.

"Did... d-did you do t-this... for me?" Evan asked, shaking slightly.

Connor looked up with hope in his eyes. "Yes. Yes! I...I did it so we could be together, Evan. I love you." Connor grabbed Evans hands. "Please say you love me too."

Evan started to pull away, but he stopped himself, thinking. If he said no, Connor could kill him.

Evan didn't want to be killed. No one would remember him if he died right now.

So Evan looked up into Connors eyes. "Y-y-yes. I-I l-love you, Connor."

Connor smiled wider than he ever had before, and crashed his lips into Evans. Evan had to force back a gag, but tried to make the kiss as believable as possible.

Connor pulled away slightly. "Now, come on, sweetheart. We've got to get out of here before someone finds us."

He kissed Evan again before dragging him downstairs to a secluded classroom.

And all Even could think was:

What have I done?

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