Boyf Riends- Homecoming

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Okay so basically Homecoming is like a low key version of Prom if you don't know

Michael ran his fingers through his hair anxiously. Normally he wouldn't be this nervous, but this was the first year he would be formally asking Jeremy to Homecoming.

As a date.

And he needed it to be absolutely perfect.

But what should he do?

He had looked at hundreds of Pinterest pictures (yes he had gotten to that level of desperation) and still couldn't find what he wanted to do. He'd written down a ton of ideas too, but he threw the all away without a second glance. None were good enough for Jeremy.

Sighing loudly to himself, he realized he had only one option.

Ask the girls for help.

Thankfully, Christine answered after the second ring. "Hello? If your name isn't Elder Price I don't want to talk to you."

Michael chuckled. "Hey Christine."

"Okay honestly, what can I help you with?" Christine asked, a smile clear in her voice.

"I uh...," Michael trailed off. "I want to ask Jeremy to Homecoming and I need help?"

Michael moved the phone away from his ear when he heard several girls screaming in response. After several seconds, he put it back to his ear. "Did you put me on speakerphone?"

"Sorry Micha," Brooke yelled out over the phone. "But when half of your ship is on the line, you've gotta do speakerphone, secretly."

"Well, good job being secretive." Michael mumbled.

"Anyway, you need help with Jeremy?" Chloe asked. "Why don't you like, just get him a video game or something? Aren't you guys into that kinda stuff?"

"Well, yeah," Michael said, exasperated. "But that's super lame!"

"Well, I mean, I've found some cute video game things online! Oh! Ask him out like a Pikachu game!"

"Brooke. It's not... it's not called..." Michael sighed again. "Whatever, I'll just call the boys."

"No!" Christine yelled. "We can help!"

"Okay, so I've done some research." Jenna said calmly.

"Does your 'research' involve you typing something along the lines of 'how to ask out a person using video games' into google?" Michael asked.

There was a silent pause, before Jenna meekly called out. "No..."

"Right. And besides, don't you think I've already googled that?"

"Well, I mean, I think Jeremy would totally like something small." Brooke suggested.

"Yeah! Like, roses in his locker, maybe a letter to fall out! The cheesy stuff!"

"Do... do people actually like that kinda stuff?"

Michael threw the phone in a panic when four girls all screamed "Yes!" At the top of their lungs.

Shaking slightly, he picked it up again. "Okay, okay, geez. I'll like, get him flowers."

"And chocolate!"

"Oh, and maybe like, a video game?"


"Wow, okay, sure. I'll, I'll be sure to do that." Michael wrote down all of their suggestions. "Jenna, what do you suggest?"


And with that, Michael quickly hung up on the girls.

Jeremy sighed, reaching his locker. Homecoming was only a few days away and Jeremy still hadn't asked him. He'd have to work up the confidence soon.

Speaking of which, Michael didn't call him last night.

Eh, Jeremy thought. He must have been busy with school work.

As he opened his locker, hundreds of little sticky notes fell out. He picked one up, and read it to himself, trying to ignore all of the staring.

I really really like your hair. I know you think it's weird, but like, it's totally hot.

Jeremy blushed as he read a few more, each one saying something different Michael liked about him. He pick up the rest he didn't get to read, and put them in his back pack for later.

Looking back at the locker, he noticed a beautiful blue Bouquet of flowers, and tight underneath it was Apocalypse of the Damned 2. He smiled wide, and tears pricked his eyes.

"So... do you like it?"

Jeremy turned to Michael, and Michael instantly regretted everything once he saw Jeremy's tears.

"I-I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have listened to the girls, baby I'm so sorry." Michael hugged Jeremy tightly.

"N-no, no, I-I really, it's really," Jeremy stood back a bit, smiling at Michael. "I love it. T-thank you so much."

Michael smiled and kissed his lips softly, mumbling slightly into the kiss.

Once he pulled away, he smirked.

"Oh, I'll be wearing red, so make sure your suit goes with mine."

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