Tree/Boyfs-Freaky Friday

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Requested by @marichat4ever51

Warnings: Jokes about masturbation

There will be a part two, and this will be Tree Bros and Boyf Riends

Jeremy hit his alarm clock, rolling off the bed angrily. He looked at the time, and a smile hit his face as he realized he could get a porno video in. He grabbed his phone, and sat fully on his bed.

He reached his hand into his pants, and instantly froze.

His hand shot up as he realized that that was not-that wasn't-

His eyes widened and he jumped off the bed, racing towards the mirror.

Jeremy screamed as he stood in front of the mirror. In front of him stood a... girl. He was a girl.

"No, no, no this can't be happening, this can't be-" Jeremy's door slammed open, and a woman slammed the door open.

"Jeremia? What's wrong?" Jeremy gasped, backing up into the wall behind him.

The woman looked exactly like his dad. The woman was his dad.

A smaller girl pushed past the woman, and stood open-eyed, staring at Jeremy-Jeremai.

"J-j-Jeremy? Wh-what's happening, why, why am I, I should be-"

"Did you just call your sister Jeremy? Evelyn, are you okay? Should I, uh, call your father?"

'Evelyn's' eyes widened. "N-no, no, we uh, we were just, uh, you know, um."

Jeremy's 'mom' waved her hand, dismissing them. "Just get ready, I don't care that much."

As she left the room, 'Evelyn collapsed onto the floor, rocking herself back and forth. She mumbled things to herself, and Jeremy kneeled down next to her.

"E-Evan?" Evan nodded her-his head. "Y-yeah."

"Okay, breath a bit slower. It's going to be okay, okay? We can, we can figure this out."

"J-Jeremy, I don't, I don't want to be a, a girl, what happens when we have to, to pee, to do anything, girls have it so, so hard and I-"

Jeremy listened to Evans rant, making sure that his breathing was okay. "Well, we just, have to, to try and understand what's happening, okay?"

Evan looked up at Jeremy, a long strand of hair falling in his feminine face. "S-so, so we have to go to school? As, as girls?"

Jeremy stood up, walking over to the closet. He opened it wide, and saw his normal shirts. Taking one out, he realized it was his shirts, just in female sizes.

"Yeah, I guess we still go to school. I mean, there's not much we can like, do, so." Evan nodded his head, getting up carefully and walking to his room.

"O-one thing Jeremy."

"Yeah, Evan?"

"Don't like, uh, look at  y-yourself like that, o-okay?"

Jeremy's face flushed. "Dude!"

Evan threw his hands in the air, a smirk on his face. "I-I'm just, I'm just saying."

Jeremy grabbed a pillow from his bed, and threw it at the door. Evan managed to get away just in time, but Jeremy could still hear his little giggles. They sounded a lot more high pitched then they should be.

Jeremy quickly changed, making sure not to look at himself in the mirror. Once he was fully dressed, he turned towards the mirror.

How did this happen?

How are we going to fix this?

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