Kleinsen- Pure Fluff

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Warnings: literally just fluff. Oh and making out. Also, I'm sorry it's really short!
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Jared and Evan were currently making out in Jared bedroom, the video game long forgotten.

Evan ran his hands through Jared hair as Jared brought his hand lower onto Evans back, squeezing his bum. Evan let out a slight gasp and Jared smirked, pushing further into the kiss. Jared moved his mouth to give little kisses on Evans nose, before moving down to leave a trail of kisses to Evans neck. Jared's arms moved upwards around Evans belly, lightly (but unintentionally) tickling him.

Evan let out a little snort. Blushing, he pulled away and stared wide eyed at his boyfriend. Jared instantly panicked, thinking he had done something wrong.

"Evan? What's wrong? Did I-?"

"No! No, no it's um, it's not you? I just uh." Evan moved sitting positions on the bed so now his knees were protecting his chest. "It just.. it..." He mumbled something that Jared quite hear.


"You... you tickled me and I just..." Evan blushed harder.

Jared moved a little bit closer, getting an idea. "Hansen... are you... ticklish?"

"Yes?" Evan unhooked his legs and slowly backed away from Jared. "W-why are you looking at me like that? Jared?"

Jared pounced Evan, pinning his hands behind his head. "J-Jared?!?"

Jared lifted Evan's blue polo and began to blow raspberries on Evans stomach, making his boyfriend breakout in laughter.

"J-JaRed! StOp!" He managed to get out before he accidentally pushed Jared off the bed. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Baby? Babe?"

He screamed as Jared came up from the floor, reached him and dragged him on top of him. Evan landed directly on top of Jared, causing Jared to lose some oxygen, but who needs that when you have a Evan on top of you?

"We have to stop meeting like this, Hansen." Evan giggled as Jared pecked his lips.

Evan laid his head down on Jared's chest, enjoying peace and quiet for a little while before falling asleep on top of Jared. Jared played with Evans hair until he was absolutely sure that Evan was asleep.

Once he was sure, he quietly whispered into Evan's ear.

"I'm never letting you live this down, baby."

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