Boyf Riends- Michael in the Bathroom

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Michael Mell was having an awesome time at this awesome party.

And by that, he means he's crying in a bathroom by himself at the biggest party of the fall.

All he had wanted to do was warn Jeremy about the Squip. He didn't want him to get hurt? And how does he get repaid?

By being called a loser by his best friend. No, his only friend.

He could literally just, disappear and no one would notice at all.

He glanced at his phone, emotionlessly chuckling at the fact he had no new messages. Why would he?

He slid down to the floor of the bathroom, and went to his photo album. All of his photos were of the two boys. One by one, he slowly deleted them.

That picture of Jeremy and Michael together for the birthday everyone except Jeremy forgot?

Delete it.

That picture of their first concert?

Delete it.

And one by one, all of his memories were fading, just like Jeremy.

Michael heard knocking at the door, but just ignored it.

He eventually turned off his phone, and slowly stood up, slugging over to the bathtub, where he plopped down.

He could hear the bass from all the way up here. It was kinda nice. The beat mixed well with the screams and his heart beat.



Michael sat up straight. Do people normally scream at parties? Is that a thing? He didn't think so.

He walked over to the door, and went to unlock it.

He jumped back, hissing a bit when he burned his hand on the door handle.

He carefully put his head to the door, seeing if he could hear something else that might clue him in on what's happening.


He jumped back from the door.

"Oh shit. Oh shit oh shit." He mumbled, looking for an escape. The door was hot, so that was a no.

The window! Perfect.

Michael raced over, his heart pounding from the adrenaline rush.

He tried to open the window, but it wouldn't budge.

"Um" Michael looked around the room. Maybe there was something he could throw at it? Maybe break it! Yeah, that's it.

Nope. Nothing.

Michael let out a sigh as he could feel the room getting hotter. The smoke came into the room, making him start coughing uncontrollably.

All of a sudden, the door swung open, revealing... someone. Michael's vision was starting to get spotty, and he could feel himself starting to black out.

"Hey, no no don't pass out on me buddy. Stay with me, okay?"

Michael woke up in a hospital bed. The only reason he knew he was in a hospital bed was because of the bland colors and the smell.

Oh and of course the creepy heart machine he was hooked up to. But it's whatever.

He tried to look around but he couldn't see much without his glasses.

But he could make out someone sitting next to him, holding his hand.

Slowly, Michael tried to move his hand away as to not wake whoever it was, but even his slight hand motion woke the person.

"Michael! Oh thank god I was so worried!"

Michael couldn't see him, but he would recognize that voice from anywhere.

"...Jeremy? What are you doing here?" He asked squinting a bit.

"Oh right, duh, glasses." Jeremy handed the blind boy his glasses.


"Well what Mike?"

"Why are you here. You left me. You called me a loser!"

For a second, Jeremy was speechless. Michael never raised his voice this much, and never at him.

Jeremy shrunk down a bit in his chair.
"I'm... sorry. I didn't mean it."

Michael turned his head away from Jeremy.

Jeremy fiddled with his hands, looking down.

"I uh, need to tell you something."

"What?" Michael asked aggressively. "That I'm a worthless loser that no one likes? Man I get it! No one FREAKING like me! I get it."


The hospital room filled with tension at those three words.

Jeremy started again. "And I'm sorry! The Squip told me I couldn't be with you. I believed it. But I could lose you okay? I realized I made a mistake, and I'm sorry." Tears ran down his face. "I really REALLY like you. I... I think I love-"

Jeremy's rant was cut off by Michael kissing his lips.

Michael pulled back slightly.

"You should have told me sooner."

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