Kleinsen- Evan's SQUIP

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Requested by @JadeBug06. I tried to make it Tree Bros, but it
kinda failed, sorry!

Connor is Evans Squip btw

"T-t-thanks for um, coming over, Jared! I'm uh, glad to be here. I mean, I'm glad you're here!" Evan smiled wide like The Connor told him to, but Jared didn't even look up.

"Yeah, no problem." Jared continued to work. The room was silent for a while, and Evans anxiety grew.

He didn't have any homework, but he had pretended that he did so Jared that would come over. That's what The Connor said to do.

And if Evan wanted to be with Jared, he had to listen to Connor, no matter what. That was the only reason he'd gotten The Connor anyway.

Well? Say something else to him, Evan. He's waiting.

Evan lightly shook his head. No, I can't do that, he's working!

No, he's not. Look. The Connor glided over to the worksheet Jared was writing on.

Number one, this paper is already fully complete, and number two, you did this a few weeks ago.

The Connor moved closer to Evan. So I'd say that he's waiting for you to say something.

What should I say? Evan fidgeted with the bottom of his shirt, trying to prepare himself. I don't think I'm ready to tell him-

Stop fidgeting. Evan jumped slightly at the shock that zapped through his body.

Sorry, sorry, I'll stop. Evan placed his hands to the side of him, before moving them back to his desk and grabbing a pencil. He pretended to work as he talked to The Connor.

You know exactly what you're going to say. The Connor smirked as Evans face grew pale.

Oh come on, Evan. He's head over heels for you and you know it. I'm 93% sure.

Evan couldn't help think about the 7% as he cautiously dropped his pencil.

Jared turned to face him. "You good, fam?"

"Y-yeah, no, I'm, uh." Behind Jared, The Connor stood. He gave Evan a thumbs up.

"I-I uh, I um, didn't like, ask you here to do homework." Jared gave him a weird look, so he continued.

"I-I mean, I mean, I wanted to ask you? Um, if, maybe you could... if maybe we could..." At this point Evan was shaking.

"Hey, it's okay. Breath, Hansen. Do you need your cube?" Evan started to nod, but Connor shook his head.

"N-no," Evan said reluctantly. "I-I need to get this off my chest? Um, we've uh, been friends for a really long time now..."

"Uh, yeah?"

"Um, I just, kinda wanted to say, I uh." Evan was hit with a new boost of confidence.

"I wanted to say that I've liked you for a long time, and I really really want to-"

Evan was cut off by Jared turning away from him. "H-hey wait!" Evan grabbed Jared arm. "P-please don't, please don't leave."

Jared didn't look at him, afraid Evan would see the tears. "Is this some kind of joke to you?"

"What? N-no! No, never. P-please look at me, Jared."

Slowly, Jared turned to face Evan. "So, you actually like me? Me?" Evan nodded his head.

Jared nervously chuckled. "That's cool. I mean, you know it's whatever, honestly."

Evan softly smiled at Jared, and Jared almost melted on the spot.

Using the last bit of confidence he had in him, Evan leaned closer to Jared.

Hovering over his lips, Evan stopped. "Can I kiss you?"

Jared lightly chucked, his face turning a crimson red. "You uh, you don't have to ask, nerd." Evan leaned in closer, leaving no space between them. Their bodies shifted closer together, and all they could think about what each other.

I'll leave you two love birds alone. The Connor smirked, turning himself off for the night.

He didn't want to see that.

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