Boyfs- Santa's coming for us

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Slightly inspired by Sia's song by the same name

"So, just to be clear. You're absolutely okay with doing nothing for Christmas, right?" Jeremy asked again. "Cuz, you know, if you sleep over here, you're not gonna celebrate Christmas. So like, if you don't want to do that-"

"Jeremy." Michael cut his boyfriend off, putting his bag down on Jeremy's bed. "Dude. I want to be with you." He began to unpack, shrugging slightly. "Besides, it's not like I would do anything at home. My parents aren't gonna be home."

He pulled out his copy of their favorite zombie game, Apocalypse of the Damned. "So, like, wanna celebrate Christmas with Zombies?"

Jeremy smirked. "That's my favorite way to celebrate Christmas." Jeremy kissed Michael softly, then led the two downstairs to his basement for their late night of video games.

Michael gently shook Jeremy, trying to wake him up. Jeremy tried to slap his hand away. "Leave me alone."

"Jere. Your dad and I made rainbow pancakes, with green eggs." Jeremy's eyes flew open.

"The actual hell? Why?" He asked, sitting up from the basement couch.

Michael shrugged, a wide smile on his face. "Why not?" He held Jeremy's plate in front of him. "If you want this delicious meal, you have to come upstairs with me."

"That sounds really shady, Micah." Jeremy laughed slightly, heading upstairs with him.

Michael raced towards the couch, with Jeremy slugging behind him. "Okay, so like, I made popcorn and hot chocolate because like... yeah."

Jeremy smiled slightly. He took the bowl of popcorn, and looked down at in in confusion.

"Oh, yeah, so I melted white chocolate on the popcorn and put blue sprinkles on it." At Jeremy's weird look, he continued. "Just like, trust me."

Jeremy shrugged, sitting down on the couch. Michael grabbed the remote and a blanket for them. After switching the tv to an episode of Michael's favorite, X-Files, he put the blanket around the two of them.

Jeremy leaned his head onto Michael's shoulder, smiling happily.

"Hey champ." Jeremy's head shot up at his dad's voice. "Dad."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going to get dinner for tonight, so uh, just... don't... do things?"

Jeremy rolled his eyes, a blush on his face. "Whatever, Dad."

Michael chuckled as Jeremy's dad shut the door after himself.

"Shut up." Jeremy mumbled, nuzzling his face into Michael's neck. He lightly kissed his neck. He pulled back, and looked Michael in the eyes. "I love you."

Michael smiled, with a twinkle in his eyes. "I know." Jeremy slapped his arm.

"You're a dick." Michael laughed, gently kissing Jeremy. They sighed into the kiss, happy to be with each other.

"We interrupt this program for some breaking news."

The boys pulled away from each other, staring at the woman now on the tv. She looked flustered, tugging slightly on her Hijab. "It seemed that Santa came to town last night."

"The hell?" Jeremy asked, confused. "Why didn't we get anything?"

"It seems like he only came in household where the 'leader' celebrates Christmas; so atheists, Muslims, Jews, and anyone else is safe. For now."

"Safe? Michael asked. "What does she mean, 'safe'?"

"Santa delivered gifts to all of the houses that celebrate Christmas, and gave everyone a gift. When that gift was opened, a toxic gas was released into the air, poisoning everyone in the house. Victims of this seem to be more slow, dead-like, and," She paused, listening to her earpiece. "Seem bent on 'turning' others."

"Zombies." The two boys breathed out.

"We recommend everyone stay inside until officials know how to deal with this situation. Please, remain-"

Her voice trailed off, forgotten as the boys raced up the staircase. Jeremy through open his bedroom door, grabbing some supplies and tossing them to Michael.

Sharing a look, Jeremy spoke first. "Well, I guess we have to stop the Christmas apocalypse."

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