Tree/Boyf- Freaky Friday pt2

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Evan pulled up to the school, parking the car in his, her spot. Jeremy unbuckled, racing to get out of the car and towards the school.

"Come on, Evan! We've got to, to like, make sure our boyfriends are... well, maybe at least know that they're boys."

Evan grabbed his bag and scurried next to Jeremy. "Hey, uh, I don't, I don't think you should call me Evan."

"What?" Jeremy stopped walking to turn to Evan. "Why?"

"W-well, what if this is, a uh, parallel universe? Or whatever, and uh, we ruin these girls lives?" Evan motioned to their bodies.

"Oh." Jeremy turned away, walking faster to the school. "Okay... Evelyn."

"Ev!" Evan looked up as a girl with long, dark hair waved them down. She sat against a row of lockers next to a girl with a baggy red hoodie.

Evan nodded his head towards them, and the step-brothers walked towards their 'girlfriends'.

"H-hey..." Evan awkwardly smiled at the two girls. "S-so..." He paused, trying to figure out the right words to say.

"You guys get that we all have swapped genders, right? Like, normally we are boys?" Evan gave his brother a death glare.

"Way to be subtle." "We were supposed to be subtle?" "Well I mean-"

"What the hell are you talking about?" The female Michael asked. "We've always been girls. Are you on drugs or something?"

"I swear to god if you got my girlfriend on drugs-" The female Connor started to stand, before the two burst out laughing.

"Yeah, no, I know I'm a dude. It's totally weird though. Like, how'd this happen?" Michael asked, his question directed towards Jeremy.

"I have no idea. Maybe-"

"Hey bitches!" A girl swaggered over to the group. "What's up?" Her flannel shirt moved with her, and she gave a big smile.

"J-Jared?" Evan asked hesitantly.

She gave him a weird look, before smirking. "Evelyn, you finally tried your girlfriends weed? Didn't expect that from you."

She turned towards the rest of the group. "Hey Jeremia, Connie, Michelle. What's the loser club up to today?"

Evan shook his head to himself. "W-wait, Jared, you don't, you don't remember?"

"Remember what? And stop calling me Jared, man. It's Jaden now, remember?" She crossed her arms over her chest protectively. "What's gotten into you guys?" She asked, looking at the group.

"If we told you, you would think we were crazy." Jaden perked up at the remark.

"What, is this some kind of monster after you? Not to brag, but I've seen a few episodes of supernatural so I can fight pretty much anything."

Connor let out a chuckle as Michael tried to explain himself. "No, like... something... freaky happened."

"Nice one, Sherlock." Jeremy muttered under his breath. Michael jabbed him in the shoulders before turning back to Jaden.

"Something happened last night, and we don't know what. We... everyone is this school, everyone in this town was a different sex yesterday. But, it seems like... we're the only ones who know."

Jaden put her hands on her hips, thinking. "That is freaky."

"Hey, I just realized something!" Michael pipped up. "This situation is freaky, right? And it's Friday. So, like, freaky Friday!"

"Michael, as much as I love you, being a girl is weird, so I would like to try and figure this out as quickly as possible."

"Yeah," Evan mumbled. "I don't know why but I'm in pain right now, and I would rather it go away." He cautiously moved to the ground next to Connor, curling up next to him.

"Yeah, can we change back before we have to deal with a bloody Evan? Thanks." Connor smirked to let the others know he wasn't angry.

"Wait, wait let me get this gay. You guys are all... guys? What could have..." Jaden trailed off, her eyes widening. "Oh shit. Maybe..."

"Maybe what?" Jeremy stood up.

"Well, uh, I may or may not have messing with this, uh, this boys spell book last night, and there was this spell marked, and I just kinda said the words on the paper, but nothing happened, so."

"You... you found a spell book, and naturally you were like 'hey, look, a spell book! Let's read a random spell, because that's safe.' Right?" Connor asked, glaring at Jaden.

"Well, I mean, it was right there, and-"

The group let out a loud groan. "Then why are we the only ones who know?"

"Dude, no idea. I didn't read the book."

Michael stood up. "Well, if it's a spell, we have to like, find the book and reverse it, right?"

"Well, yeah. But maybe it's only a 24 hour curse or whatever? And it'll change tonight!" Jeremy argued back.

"Heere, Mell, listen." Connor shifted Evan a bit, and Evan let out a soft cry of pain.

"Sorry, baby." Connor gave him a peck on his head. "Okay, so what if we try Jeremy's plan first, then, if it doesn't work, tomorrow we can try to find the owner."

"Perfect! Then we can-" Jeremy was cut off by the school bell ringing. "Oh shit, we have to go to class and I don't know how to spell my name. Jaden, how do we-"

"Good luck, boys!" Jaden swaggered off, leaving four boys behind in complete and utter confusion.

"I hate being a girl, I hate being a girl, I-"

"Evan, baby, we get it. Girls have it hard, man. But now you understand their pain." Connor gently rubbed Evans back as the group sat in Evans room, waiting for night to come.

"T-this plan better work. I don't, I don't like blood."

Jeremy snickered, but stopped quickly when Michael hit him in the stomach. He awkwardly coughed. "Y-yeah, no, i want to be a dude again too, Evan. But soon."

"Hey, it's getting close to 12. Let's see if Jeremy's idea works." The group nodded their heads, getting into comfortable positions on the floor.

"Night guys." Jeremy revived a chorus of good nights, as they all closed their eyes, hopeful for tomorrow.

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