Tree/Boyf- Freaky Friday pt3

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Jeremy woke up to a high pitch scream. Jumping up, he instantly held his arm protectively above Michael.

"God damn it!" Evan screeched. He began to lightly cry. "I hate this, s-so much."

Connor, still groggy, looked at Evan for a split second before falling back onto Evans bed. "Aaandd we are still girls. Fucking fantastic."

"Okay, so my plan didn't work. I guess we have to find the dudes spell book."

"How are we going to do that? We don't know any guys who do magic." Michael asked, leaning against Jeremy.

"Do you guys remember Sabrina?" Evan asked, his voice muffled from his pillow.

"Uh, Sabrina?" Jeremy asked. "Well, yeah, but she's a gir-oh shit you're right."

"So what? Do we just go to her house, knock on her door, and be like, 'Hey, our friend accidentally switched everyone?"

"Why do I have to knock?" Jeremy asked, his face flushing in embarrassment.

"You drew the shortest stick, babe. Now suck it up." Michael slapped Jeremy's back, and Jeremy's stumbled up to the front door.

"If we were measuring dicks I wouldn't be here." Jeremy mumbled to himself as he lightly knocked on the door.

Knock knock knock knock

The door opened almost immediately. A boy with short, blond hair and a black t-shirt that said Sabe stepped out. He smiled at the group.

"Hey guys. What's up?" The male Sabrina asked, looking concerned once he saw the groups faces.

"Uh," Jeremy gulped. "C-can we, can we come inside?"

"It's important." Michael piped up, standing next to Jeremy. He wanted this to be over just as much as the others.

"Oh. Uh, sure?" The boy (Michael assumed his name was Sabe from his shirt) stepped to the side, allowing the group to enter into the house.

He closed the door gently behind them. "So, what's wrong? You wouldn't come to me unless there was a problem, so...?"

"Uh, w-well, we just, uh." Evan stuttered out, looking pleadingly at Connor.

"Look, our friend accidentally took your spell book or something, and somehow turned us into girls."

"W-well, not just us. It uh, turned everyone into the opposite sex? You know?" Jeremy tried to add to Connors comment.

"Oh god." Sabe began to run around the room, flipping through book after book, until he found what he was looking for. Scanning the page, he finally asked.

"When did this happen?"

"Uh, Thursday night? I think?" Jeremy fiddled with his hands. "W-we just woke up Friday and... poof, you know?"

When the witch didn't say anything, the group grew nervous.

"What?" Connor asked, trying to keep the fear from reaching his voice.

"Boys..." Sabe looked up, sadness clouding his eyes. "I'm, I'm sorry."

"Sorry? For what? You can change us back, right? You're a witch for fucks sake!" Connors face flushed with anger, and Evan had to hold him back.

"Well, y-yes, but, this spell, it's... it's-" Sabe sighed. "If you guys had told me yesterday, then maybe I could have reversed it, but... it's too late. I'm... in sorry."

"No," Evan mumbled, a few tears starting to form. "Please."

"I-I'm sorry. But, if it makes you feel better, you'll soon begin to forget you were ever boys. Look." Sabe stepped closer to Jeremy.

"Think back to a childhood memory. Let's say... the day you met Michelle. What do you remember?"

"Well, Michelle was playing alone in the sand, and I-" He stopped himself. "Why is my memory of a girl instead of...? It's should be a boy. I should... It should... this can't be-"

"Oh my god, I can't, I can't remember wha Jared looks like, why can't I remember, Connie I-" Evelyn's eyes widened at her statement. More tears rushed down her face. "I-I can't, oh my god."

Sabe gently ushered the group outside, letting them ramble to themselves. Sabe went unnoticed as he gently closed the front door behind him.

After only a few minutes, the groups mumbled turned to silence.

"Huh. So uh, what do you guys what to do today?" Michelle asked, grabbing her girlfriends hand.

"Huh. I don't know. Evelyn, what do you," she stopped when she glanced at her step-sister. "Hey, what wrong?"

Evelyn wiped a tear away. "Oh, don't worry, I'm just, it's just stupid hormones. Um, I'm up for anything. Connie?"

"Maybe a movie?" The group nodded their heads.

"Okay, but let's let Evelyn pick the movie. She needs it. Just, no rom-com, okay?" Michelle laughed at her girlfriends side comment.

The group chatted all the way home, unaware that this wasn't how it always was.

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