Tree Bros- Swap AU pt3

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Connor nervously pulled at his sweater sleeves, looking at himself in the mirror, trying to figure out what he needed to changed.

Evan had said to dress casually, but now Connor was over thinking it. Did casual mean what he normally wore? Did casual mean just a t-shirt and jeans? He glanced at the other outfit on is bed, reaching slightly for it.

His hand was cut off by a loud honking outside.

Forgetting about the outfits, he rushed outside to Evans car, quickly getting in the passenger seat.

As he was buckling his seat belt, Evan saw how stressed he looked. Trying to calm his nerves a bit, he soft started to talk to him.

"Hey, I like your outfit. You look adorable."

Connors face broke out into a blush. "T-thank, thank you." He brushed away a hair that had fallen from his bun and onto his face. "W-where um, where are we going? If you, if you don't mind me asking."

Evan didn't answer for a minute, and Connor turned towards the window, silently cursing at himself.

"This old Apple acre. It's not like, super special, but," Evan shrugged slightly. "I don't know, it seemed like a good date idea. But now I'm saying it out loud it sounds stupid."

"No, no, it sounds, it sounds really nice. Thank you."

Evan smiled and started the car, heading towards the apple acres.

The car ride was silent, except for the soft emo music Evan was playing.

Evan opened his car door forcefully, and went to grab a hidden basket in the trunk.

"W-what's that?" Connor asked.

"Well, uh," Connor was shocked to see a light blush forming on Evans face. "I brought food? For like, a picnic or some shit, you know?" He looked down at the ground. "We don't have to though."

Connor smiled, and lightly lifted Evans face to meet his own. "I-I'd love to."

Evan gave Connor a genuine smile, and grabbed his hand. "Come on, let me show you my favorite tree."

"Y-you have a, a favorite tree?"

Evan nodded his head, stopping at the bottom of a huge tree. "Yeah. I know it's stupid."

"No!" Connor said loudly. He cleared his throat. "No, I um, I like trees too?"

Evan smiled, and sat down on the grass, patting the seat next to him.

Connor sat down, and Evan pulled out some sandwiches, handing one to Connor. Over the course of the date, the two moved closer and closer to one another, emotionally and physically.

Connor blushed when he realized how close he was to Evans face. "I-I'm sorry, I should-"

"-can I kiss you?"

Connor paused. Did Evan really just ask him if they could kiss?

"Sorry, it was a stupid question. I shouldn't have asked." Evan began to get up, and Connor panicked, standing up quickly.

"Wait! Wait, please."

Evan sighed. "Don't give me your sympathy. I don't nee-" He was cut off by Connor lightly pressing his lips against Evans. Evan could feel Connor melt, and he know that this wasn't sympathy.

This was more.

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