Boyf Riends- She didn't come

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Jeremy straighten his shirt, turning to Michael. "Okay, what about this shirt?"

Michael sighed. "It's fine. Just like the other twenty you tried on."

Jeremy turned back to the mirror. "I'm sorry that I want to look somewhat good for my first date. Let me live."

You always look good. Michael sighed, not having the voice to say what he wanted to.

"Crap. Okay, it's time to go. You're still driving, right?"

"Of course! What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?"

"Someone's selling some old school soda, right?"

"Hell yeah. Now get in the car so I can get some Crystal Pepsi." Jeremy laughed, racing the boy downstairs.

Jeremy tapped the table, looking frequently at the door for Christine.

He checked his phone, debating whether or not to text her again.

It'd been thirty minutes since Jeremy had gotten here late.

She wasn't coming.

Jeremy was about to text Michael asking if he could pick him up, when someone slid into the booth in front of him.

Looking up expectingly, Jeremy was almost disappointed to not see Christine, but he was thrilled to see Michael in her place.

"Michael! What are you doing here?" Jeremy lowered his voice.

"Dude, I couldn't just leave you like this." Michael was about to continue, but a waitress came up to them.

"What can I get you gentlemen?"

Jeremy stuttered out his order, and Michael smiled. "I'll have whatever my boyfriend is having." He handed the menus to the waitress, smiling as she walked away.

"Before you say anything, I'm sorry, but before I came in she was giving you pity glances so I wanted to make it at least seem like I was just late or-"

"No no, it's uh." Jeremy blushed lightly. "I... I kinda liked it, actually."

"Oh. Uh, okay. Okay." Michael sat back in the booth, smiling wide.

The conversations flowed easily between the two boys, laughing happily at each other's jokes.

Christine was long forgotten.

They walked hand in hand to Jeremy's house.

"Um, thank you. For, for everything."

"Of course. What are boyfriends for?" Michael and Jeremy smiled at the new word.

"Well, um, uh, maybe we can-"

"Can we-" Michael stepped forward, both boys blushing.

Jeremy gently placed his hands on Michael's waist, hesitantly leaning in.

Michael followed Jeremy, gently kissing him on the lips.

Parting slightly, Jeremy chuckled slightly. "You uh, you know, this date was supposed to be me getting over you with Christine."

"Well, I guess you kinda failed, huh?"

Jeremy smiled, leaning against his doorframe. "Do you uh... do you want to come in? Maybe a sleepover? Like, like when we were little?"

Michael smiled warmly. "Sounds... great. Just no funny business, Mister."

Jeremy rolled his eyes, shutting the door behind them.

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