Boyf Riends- Roasting Time

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Warning: Fluff

Jeremy sighed as he put his bag down.

"Bad day?" Michael asked, taking a sip of his slushy, staring intently at his boyfriend. When Jeremy didn't answer, he continued. "You look like ass."

"Wow thanks." Jeremy laid his head down on the table, sighing. "This week has been shit. It needs to be over now."

"Hey, at least it's Friday." Michael brushed away some of Jeremy's hair, and gave him a soft kiss on his forehead. "Hey, don't forget I'm picking you up tonight."

"Wait, what?"

"Sleepover? My house? We've had it planned for weeks, dude."

"Oh shit." Jeremy sat up, glancing at his phone. "No, yeah, I'll totally, I mean, yeah, I'll, I'll be there."

"Are you sure? You seem stressed. We don't have to-"

"No!" Jeremy loudly cut Michael off. "No, no, I want to hang with you. I will, I just, school is... a mess."

"I know. And I'm going to make it up to you tonight, trust me." Michael winked at Jeremy.

"Okay now I'm worried."

"You should be worried." Michael kissed Jeremy. He peppered his face with little kisses, warning a laugh from Jeremy.

"So... where are you taking me?" Jeremy asked again, hoping for a response.

"Dude, babe, bro, I don't care how many times you ask me. I'm not going to tell you, so." Jeremy huffed, turning back to the window.

Michael turned down the radio and slowed down the car, parking in an open space. "Okay, we're here."

Jeremy quickly unbuckled his seat belt, rushing to get out. Michael purposely took his time, trying to get a reaction from his boyfriend.

"Michael Mell I swear to god-"

"I'm kidding! Kidding!" Michael quickly jumped out of the car, grabbing the supplies and locking the car behind them.

With his free hand, Michael grabbed Jeremy's hand, leading him further into the Forrest.

"Oh, I see what's happening."

"Oh yeah? What?" Michael asked, worried he actually knew what Michael was doing.

"You're going to murder me out in the woods, right?"

Michael paused before turning to Jeremy. "How the hell did you know?"

It only took three seconds of silence for both boys to hunch over in laughter.

"I'm sorry, your face, it was so good oh my god-"

"-yes I'm about to murder you oh my god Michael!"

Still laughing, Michael pulled Jeremy further into the woods, smiling wide.

Michael stopped, pulling Jeremy close to him. "Hey, cover your eyes."

Jeremy put his hands over his eyes, closing them too. "This is hella kinky."

"Jeremy, I swear." Michael pushed Jeremy in the right direction before stopping him.

"Okay, open your eyes!" Jeremy moved his hands away from his face, and was in awe at the scene.

In the middle of the Forrest stood a giant fire pit, complete with logs to sit on.

Michael rushed forward, putting down the bag he was holding. "S'mores?"


"Why what? Why did I do this?" Jeremy nodded his head.

"Well, you said your week was sucky, so I just-" Michael stopped mid sentence when Jeremy engulfed him in a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, oh my god you're amazing..." Jeremy rambled on, so happy to be able to take a peaceful break from everything.

"Well, I mean, I didn't do all the work. I had some of our friends do the fire right before we got here, but uh, you know." Michael sheepishly smiled.

"So, want to roast some marshmallows? Make s'mores?"

Jeremy smiled, kissing Michael on the lips before grabbing the basket eagerly.

Once the boys got their supplies, they happily sat by the fire. Jeremy cuddled into Michael as the fire roared on, happy to be with his favorite person.

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