Boyf Riends- Bullies Ft.Trans! Jere

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Warning: Bullies and curse words. Also it's short bc I'm in the car and it's hard to type.

Jeremy shut his gym locker door. He hated gym with a burning passion, but at least he could change in the bathroom and be with Michael.

He tried to sneak into the restrooms without anyone noticing, but sadly Kurt and Ram did.

Kurt fake gasped. "Well well well, what do we have here, Ram? Jeremy's sneaking off to the bathroom again?"

"L-leave me alone, Kurt." Jeremy tried to sneak past them, but they blocked his way. The locker room got quiet as they heard the rising voices.

"I bet he's about to go do a quickie with his boyfriend."

"H-he's not my boyfriend..." Jeremy mumbled. He didn't want Michael to get into more trouble at school if they found out about them.

"So then why do you always sneak off to the bathrooms, loser? You gonna go masterbate?" The boys around them all chucked as Jeremy turned bright red.

"F-fuck off."

"F-f-fuck o-off!" Ram squeaked in a high pitch voice. "Geez, could your voice be any higher?"

"J-just let me go, alright? I just wanna go and change, p-please." Jeremy tried to keep his voice calm, but you could still hear his worry.

"Why don't you just change out here? What's wrong with guys?"

"Or are you too afraid your gay will show?" The boys high fived at that one.

Jeremy tried to push past them again, but ram held him down. "Kurt, take his shirt off!"

"Dude, isn't that like, gay?"

"Shut up bro, it's to mess with him. It's not gay." Kurt shrugged his shoulders as the ripped off Jeremy's shirt, revealing a binder on his pale skin.

The room got more quiet as they tried to process what just happened. Jeremy took this time to get out of Rams grip and grab his shirt, putting it on. He ran towards the bathroom, locking himself in a stall. He slid down the door and onto the floor as sobs racked his body.

He stayed like that for a while, not wanting anyone to see him in this state.

"Jeremy? Baby? Are you in here, heere?"

"T-that jokes never f-funny."

"Well, it told me where you were, so at least it was useful." Michael jiggled the door handle. "Baby, can you unlock it?"


Michael sighed. "Fine. Then I guess I'll slide under. But you're gonna pay for this."

Michael got onto the dirty floor, and squirmed his way into the stall with Jeremy. Jeremy let out a soft laugh and Michael wriggled around more, trying to get free before finally managing.

Jeremy stopped laughing when he saw the bruise on Michael's face. "W-what happened? Are you okay?"

"Don't worry about me, sweetheart. I took care of it. Are you okay? I mean, you're obviously not okay, but I just want to help you..."

Jeremy didn't say anything before leaning into Michael's shoulder and letting out a soft sob.

"Shush baby, it's okay. Let it out. I'm right here. I'll always be here, okay?"

Jeremy nodded his head slightly in Michael's shoulder while Michael rubbed his back.

"Hey, sweetheart, why don't we blow this popsicle joint and head back to my place?" Jeremy chucked at Michael's word choice. "F-fine." He sniffed. "B-but only if you never say that sentence again."

"It's a deal, babe." Michael kissed his forehead and lifted him up, bridal style, and carried his prince to his PT Cruiser for a much needed movie night.

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