Boyf Riends- Stress

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Warnings: Nope! (Besides a few small cuss words) Just short and sweet fluff

I saw a post about Jeremy being a stress baker so heere we go

"Baby?" Michael called out as he closed Jeremy's front door, locking it. "Look man, I'm sorry that I came over uninvited, but you seemed really off at school today."

Michael paused, smelling something nice and sweet. Oh no.

"Jeremy?" Michael called out again.

Jeremy stepped out of the kitchen, and into Michael's view. He was holding two pans of warm chocolate chip cookies, and when Michael walked closer, he could see that Jeremy looked dead inside.

"Awe, you poor baby." Michael went to go hug Jeremy, but was hissed at instead.

"If you hurt these cookies, I hurt you."

"Okay, okay, geez." Michael hesitantly walked over to one of the bar stools and sat down, watching Jeremy place the cookies on a cooling rack, and move towards the fridge, pulling out a three layered, un-iced cake.

Michael looked inside for a second and noticed the brownies and the cupcakes, also cooling off in the fridge.

"You uh, sure do have a lot of baking going on..."

Jeremy didn't even look up as he mumbled. "Yep."

"So...I guess you could say that-"

"I swear to god Michael, make one pun. I dare you. I dare you." Jeremy put down his icing bag.

Michael stifled a laugh. "You're on a roll."

Michael broke out in laughter as Jeremy just stared at him, trying to keep a straight face. Jeremy menacingly rose the icing bag. "I won't hesitate bitch!"

Michael laughed at the reference before saying, "Oh whatever, you wouldn't. Your icing is too precious."

Jeremy glared his eyes at his boyfriend and continued to ice the cake. "Fine. I was going to give you a piece of cake, but now..." he trailed off, a smug look on his face.

Michael fake gasped. "How dare you threaten me by withholding cake from me!"

Jeremy just stuck his tongue out as he iced the bottom layer smoothly. The boys sat in comfortable silence as Michael watched Jeremy's actions intensely.

Michael knew that Jeremy was super stressed right now because of how much baking he was doing, but he looked so peaceful when he was focused. He couldn't stop staring him. One of Jeremy's curls fell onto his face, but Jeremy ignored it and continued his hard work.

Apparently, Jeremy noticed Michael's big, dopey grin, and paused his icing. "What are you staring at?"

"Only the sweetest thing in this room, baby." Jeremy scoffed to cover up his red face.

"Yeah, whatever. Punk." Michael laughed at how flustered Jeremy was getting. He leaned over, carful not to touch any of the backed goods, and lightly kissed Jeremy on the nose. Jeremy scrunched up his nose and smiled, kissing Michael back on the lips.

The timer behind Jeremy went off, startling the two boys. Jeremy quickly pulled away, grabbing his gloves and going to the oven to get out the mug cakes he'd put in there.

Michael smiled as he looked around at everything in the kitchen.

"Hey, babe." Michael called out.


"Don't get me wrong, I love it when you bake..."

"Michael you better stop now."


"Michael I swear to god."

"I just whisk you weren't so stressed!"

"I'm breaking up with you."

"No babe please not again. This is the third time this week."

"And no kisses."

"Wow, you're just cold blooded aren't you."

Jeremy stuck his tongue out again and ignored Michael, moving to ice the cupcakes.

Michael quietly snuck up behind him, and moved to taste a tiny bit of the cake.

Without turning around, Jeremy said. "If you eat that cake right now, I will actually break up with you."

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